France/Federal Republic of Germany (1955?-1961) Anti-Tank Reconnaissance Vehicle – 1 to 2 Prototypes Built With the formation of the Bundeswehr in 1955, the new army of West Germany, a decision was made to acquire small tracked armored reconnaissance vehicles for use in the so-called Panzer...
Etat civil numérisé de toute la Francede 1792 au début du XXème siècle Recensements en France numériséslistes nominatives 1872 et 1906 Registres paroissiaux numérisésde 1700 à la Révolution française Archives militairesprisonniers de guerre, soldats distingués… ...
" : le portail de la généalogie en France pour consulter son Etat-civil en ligne et construire son arbre généalogique gratuitement.
Virgin Islands brought a civil case in federal court in Manhattan against JPMorgan Chase for “actively participating” in Jeffrey Epstein’s international sex-trafficking ring where Epstein and his wealthy pals were sexually assaulting underage girls. According to documents released in the lawsuit, th...
How did we pass marriage equality in this State, giving a new civil right to the LGBTQ community? Because the people said, “enough is enough. How can you say only heterosexual people can marry, but the LGBTQ people— they can’t marry? How is that constitutional? How is that legal?”...
he’s a radio talk show host who also writes for theVillageVoice. Marion is on edge. She has an important gallery show coming up, and her eccentric family has just flown in from France for a visit and to get acquainted with her new Significant Other. The buttoned-down Mingus is in fo...
For two weeks, Brazil was on the edge of civil war, but Goulart came home and took office. The Goulart years However, Brazilian society polarized during the next two and a half years. "Peasant Leagues" in Northeastern Brazil demanded that tenant farmers be given the land they worked on. ...
--Can we avoid civil war?--Can we provide reasonable assurance of the safety ofthe 7,000 Americans in Nigeria, and/or evacuate themefficiently if necessary?Let me preface my answers with a brief analysis of thepresent situation.Where we areThere are four major political actors on the ...
British Somaliland and indications of the Italian assault August 1940. Source: Stewart Map of the invasion. Source: Mockler Introduction and background to AOI Following the Italian declaration of war against Great Britain and France on the 10th June 1940, the British perceptions of the Italians in...
Etat civil (célibataire, marié, veuf ou veuve, divorcé ou divorcée) / Marital status (single, married, widowed, or divorced) : célibataire/single Lieu d'origine / Place of origin: Aoste Italie / Aoste, Isère Dernier domicile / Last home: Rhône-Alpes, France ...