The island of Bombay, designated by the natives “Mambai,” received its name from the goddess Mamba, in Mahrati Mahima, or Amba, Mama, and Amma, according to the dialect, a word meaning, literally, the Great Mother. Hardly one hundred years ago, on the site of the modern esplanade, ...
according to Israel, hid in the hospital for months and are responsible for the murder of eight Israelis, were arrested at the Holy Family Maternity Hospital in Bethlehem, which is operated by the French Association of the Order of Malta. A...
frees them from their shackles and stands before them with folded hands. For an instant Vasudeva and Devaki know that Krishna is God and that in order to destroy demons he has come on earth. They are about to worship him when Krishna dispels this knowledge and they look on him and Balara...
Produced by Jeffrey Kraus-yao. The Man Who Would be King By Rudyard Kipling Published by Brentanos at 31 Union Square New York THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING Brother to a Prince and fellow to a beggar if he be found worthy. The Law, as quoted, lay