new structures, new creative outlets. We want to foster an expansion of ideas, for what kind of convention you would like to see, even possibly a one-day event. There is room at the table for you. The world has changed since the birth of OryCon. Technology, ...
"Not exactly," I tell her. "We had sherbet dabs and toffee like they do in Enid Blyton, but we didn't call it 'tuck'." "And what about the lacrosse?" Clara is vigilant for signs of social distinction in our family tree; she is sure that if we go back far enough, we will fi...
I should add – only because I still find it amusing – that the original ‘dinky three-piece’ I referred to earlier was known as ‘Brer Rabbit’s A Rascal’ derived from the Enid Blyton children’s book of the same name and selected by Bart and I in a wayward Grade 10 Geography cl...
Paul:It was, I think still is, the name of a series of instrument tutoring books. It only means something to people who know the books, and it would raise a rye smile, if we were lucky. Although I did once hand one of our demo tapes to Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid in th...