well-written by British novelist Anthony Burgess (A Clockwork Orange) along with Vittorio Bonicelli and its director Gianfranco de Bosio, starts with the rescue of infant Moses while afloat on the Nile, by Princess Bithia (meaning:daughter of God), one ...
Well a number of things really. First learn the notes (duh) along with all the fiddly bits like dynamics/ articulation/ phrasing etc. It sounds more tedious that what most others might do, which is to learn the notes before adding in the dynamics el al. However, what you then get is ...
09/02/13: The Long Beach Fleadh an Irish Music and Oyster Festival is coming up this weeeknd, September 14 & 15, in Long Beach, CA. I will be hosting the "Session Tent" accompanied by Moira Smiley (song), Kira Ott (fiddle), Jimmy Murphy (guitar), Michael Esken (Box etc.) Maire...
To anyone who’s ever read an academic monograph on the beach, The fiancé and I have relocated to Northampton, Massachusetts for the summer. For the moment, I’m still trying to find my bearings, which mostly means charting the routes between our apartment and every café in a two-mile ...
Click on photo for a larger image Second Place Signature Artist Award Category, Durre Waseem for “Visitors” The extended online art catalog exhibition will continue through January 6, 2025. LPAPA Gallery is located at 414 N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. ...
Mentor Headlands Beach State Park ‘fully closed’ for several days this week due to movie production: See the closure dates | WKYC (June 14) Cleveland film crews spotted building set in public square | Fox 8 (June 13) Is the new ‘Superman’ movie filming in at Mentor Headlands beach?
He reunited with Henson Productions for the Disney feature film, "The Muppet Christmas Carol" in 1992. He wrote and produced the songs for the soundtrack which brought with it yet another Grammy Award nomination for 'Best Musical Album for Children'. He appeared in the music video and sang ...
By the end of 1963, Irène Papas was back in the Isle of Crete for location shoot for Walt Disney’s production ofThe Moon-Spinners(1964). The location shoots in different parts of Europe was not unusual for Irène’s movies since many of her American films were European co-productions. ...
Enroute, we visited some of the shooting locations for the up-coming 2012 blockbuster Disney movie – "John Carter of Mars," based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars novel from 1911. The scenery in Utah is incredible -- so many unusual landforms that are familiar in hundreds of...
Teen Beach 2 #10 2015 Nashville: The Music Of Season 3: Volume 2 #28 2015 Pitch Perfect 2 #1 2015 Home #40 2015 Furious 7 #1 2015 Sons Of Anarchy: Songs Of Anarchy, Vol. 4 #35 2015 Fifty Shades Of Grey #2 2015 The Last Five Years #50 2015 Empire: Music From The Pilot (EP)...