【搬运】【机翻】Architecture Portfolio Review with Show It Better - Part 2 20 -- 54:21 App 【搬运】【机翻】Lead Architect & Lead Engineer of UAE National Pavilion 18 -- 3:43 App 【搬运】【机翻】My Architecture Portfolio (Masters of Architecture) 51 -- 12:30 App 【搬运】【生肉】Yale...
男票拿到哈佛AP | UCLPart2 | 耶鲁75w奖学金的建筑作品集长什么样 1.7万 4 7:34 建筑大神的作品集分享 | 同时被耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学、加州大学伯克利分校录取的作品集长啥样 6451 1 9:23 看看圣马丁的大神滴服装设计作品集!!!Fashion Portfolio overview- Boro project, Fashion Folio CSM 940 -- 12...
When applying for an architecture job, you need to make sure you have the perfect portfolio. These 17 high-quality examples from ArchDaily readerscan help you in designing your own.
The development marksSafdie Architects' sixth project inSingaporeand enhances the firm's prominent built portfolio in the city-state, which already includesMarina Bay Sands,Sky Habitat, and theJewelat Changi Airport. On the occasion of the opening, ArchDaily spoke toCharu Kokate, Partner atSafdie ...
1、智能数据即服务(iDaaS) 智能DaaS(数据即服务)是以安全和可扩展的方式构建和交付系统和平台,同时满足医疗保健消费化对数据的需求。点击此处(https://gitlab.com/redhatdemocentral/portfolio-architecture-examples/-/blob/main/idaas.adoc),可随意探究该产品组合架构。
Rather than performing 22,791 GWAS, one for each pair of parcels, we opted to reduce the dimensionality of each participant’s connectome matrix in a biologically interpretable way. We derived three types of measures, for a total of 206 measures (Fig.2B): (1) hemisphere-level cortical-to...
The complex biological mechanisms underlying human brain aging remain incompletely understood. This study investigated the genetic architecture of three brain age gaps (BAG) derived from gray matter volume (GM-BAG), white matter microstructure (WM-BAG),
Intel’sintegrated GPUsbring excellent visuals to millions of PCs. With the Xearchitecture, we’ve expanded our GPU IP portfolio to scale to discrete client and data center applications. Providing increased functionality in fast-growing areas including rich media, graphics, and analytics. ...
ALLPLAN- Nemetschek or Autocad等软件,必须提供作品集Portfolio 1.布加勒斯特是罗马尼亚首都,也是最大的城市和经济文化政治中心,有“小巴黎”之称 2.雇主为VP Holding,一家能够为众多客户提供综合解决方案和服务的建筑设计公司,已在罗马尼亚当地拥有超过15年的行业经验,并服务于全球客户,雇员超过100人 ...