The paper solves the issues related to the selection and application of modern technologies and libraries on the example of a mobile application. The application architecture was proposed using the MVVM design pattern and the HILT, LiveData, Room, Retrofit and Kotlin Coroutines libraries. As a ...
Build mobile architectures like PWAs, web, and native apps. See how Mendix supports the development of varying mobile apps.
Mobile Device Hardware Provides an overview of hardware features and related programming options. Screen Orientation Modes Provides the necessary background, technical details, and design guidelines to help you adapt your application for the different screen orientation modes. Creating Portable Applications ...
It covers every facet of development and deployment, including business issues, architectural design, integration with existing web and legacy applications, and the management of mobile application development projects. It also presents three application case studies that demonstrate best practices at work ...
BIMx offers a wide range of features that facilitate thorough and detailed model inspection, even for individuals without extensive knowledge in the field of design and architecture. Graphisoft BIMx is available as amobile and desktop application, with similar capabilities across both platforms. The ...
the business and data services layers are likely to be located on the device itself. If you are building a thin client, the business and data layers will be located on the server. Figure 1 illustrates common rich client mobile application architecture with components grouped by areas of concern...
Why MIPS for Mobile Application Processors The MIPS architecture offers low power advantages that are key to SOC designers targeting battery-powered devices. At the heart of the MIPS architecture is a streamlined architecture that has met the demands of generations of applications over a 20-year per...
The introduction of mobile apps allowed for a drastic change in how architects work. Right now, there’s no need for unnecessary paperwork or outdated appliances since most of it can easily fit in your phone or tablet. In this article, we’ve presented our list of best architecture apps for...
mobile devices, imperfect connectivity, complex application development and release management problems. This book covers mobile application development and integration, starting with a core set of requirements that typically need to be addressed. The book goes on to describe mobile application development ...
We introduce an application of a mobile transient network architecture on top of the current Internet. This paper is an application extension to a conceptual mobile network architecture. It attempts to specifically reinforce some of the powerful notions exposed by the architecture from an application ...