Creative makers who are selected to participate will generally spend 2-4 weeks onsite either consecutively or incrementally within the residency term: June - October, 2026. Residents are also expected to deliver a free public program, performance, exhibition, or other creative presentation in order ...
Have you ever felt that your architectural presentation boards didn’t leave the impact you would’ve imagined? That you worked countless hours putting together diagrams, plan views, renders, and yet no one felt “wowed” by your work? Something that all architects, students, and professionals...
The architectural quality of the project, the ability of each participant to clearly convey the underlying idea of the project and the quality of the overall presentation will be considered by the Jury. The following files must be submitted: Two (2) DIN A1 vertical boards (594x841mm.) vert...
分层(n 层)软件架构设计模式将软件系统组织成功能层,每个功能层都有特定的角色和职责。 Commonly, the system consists of three layers: presentation (user interface), business logic (processing), and data access (storage). 通常,系统由三层组成:表示(用户界面)、业务逻辑(处理)和数据访问(存储)。 Each lay...
【sculpture & Architecture】这学期一个项目的final presentation. 算是这个学期最喜欢的一个project了 讨论的是雕塑与建筑的思考与联系 这次放弃电脑出图 主要还是用手绘的量去堆砌起来东西 感觉更能震住老师 而且实在是乐在其中 欢迎大家批评指教 具体请见:...
Layered (N-Tier) Architecture Commonly used in traditional web applications, this architecture organizes the application into layers, each with a specific responsibility. Typical layers include presentation, business logic, data access, and data storage. This structure supports modularity and separation of...
The final research agenda was formulated, consisting of three main categories, as presented in Section 5. 3. AR and VR use-cases in the AEC sectors Six general use-cases have been characterised. A brief description of the use-cases enriched with examples from literature are presented below, ...
4. Presentation is key Eacharchitecture competitioncould get hundreds of entries, and in order to stand out to the jury your presentation will need to be something special. In this regard, it can be helpful to work backwards, having a rough idea of what your submission boards will look like...
You can create the pages in any layout (For example: presentation boards) but they should be uploaded as jpeg images. It should include: Pages from your sketchbooks Drawing Ideas, visual research and experimentation Photos of your finished work accompanied by a short explanation of the piece ...
标准营造standardarchitecture 1999年由张轲等多位年轻设计师创建于纽约,是一家专业从事建筑设计、景观与城市设计、室内设计及产品设计的合伙人事务所。事务所自200l年以来通过国际竞赛女在国内赢得了多个重要项目,工作重心逐渐转移到北京。 Zhang Ke standardarchitecture 01 July 2009 Zhang Ke's presentation focused...