Buy, sell and reuse architectural salvage, reclaimed building materials, decorative antiques, demolitions, everything for homes and gardens on SalvoWEB - the pioneer global marketplace, established in 1994
The Salvo Code is a voluntary code for good practice in stock purchasing for dealers who buy and sell architectural salvage, antique garden ornament and reclaimed building materials. The Salvo Code aims to give customers greater confidence.
In recent years, tight economic times and the trend to individualize homes have sent even more people to salvage yards in search for one-of-a-kind architectural antiques. “A house is like a mirror of your personality,” Frayer said. “It reflects your likes and dislikes and gives you a ...
Block-long salvage yards are an endangered species. Most have closed during the last five years because of rising insurance and real estate costs. These days, when wreckers tear down a sumptuous old hotel, mansion or theater, they seldom bother to rescue its magnificent hand-carved moldings, in...
Rescue workers pulled dozens of Stupa—an important Buddhist temple—and artifacts and salvage architectural elements H S N corpses, covered in pink dust, from the rubble. structures in Kathmandu’s Durbar Square, the such as wooden doors and windows, carefully A J The quake—the most violent ...
In the case of 'Free UK delivery' and 'Bespoke delivery by Seller' the Seller will arrange and provide their chosen delivery service. We will provide you with the Seller's contact details. It is the Seller's sole responsibility for ensuring the transport of goods to you. When selecting ...