OV-1 is “semantic-free” and is often done with a loosely defined drawing. OV-2 presents information or materiel flow among operational nodes. OV-3 represents the summary matrix of resource flows from a set of OV-2 diagrams. OV-5 represents the operational activities that produce, consume,...
Drawinginstyles: Portrait image generation and editing with spatially conditioned stylegan. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 2022, 29, 4074–4088. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Alaluf, Y.; Tov, O.; Mokady, R.; Gal, R.; Bermano, A. Hyperstyle: Stylegan inversion with hyper...
Figure 5. Design drawing of a double-end cantilevered beam situated in the great hall of Unit 2. The available original design documentation and the development of careful on-site surveys allowed us to reach the “LC3” knowledge level for the structural system, as defined by the Italian Tec...