Ewan Anderson, Managing Partner of 7N Architects, said: “The masterplan is principally about making new connections, bringing the University’s colleges together, bringing the University and the city together and bringing people together to strengthen the University’s student experience, its global re...
There are loads of typical questions I get asked but I still haven’t had time to post them here (and my TV ain’t gonna watch itself). Because I am a mean person, if you write me an email asking me one of the questions I’ve already answered below, I might respond and refer yo...
Justin Smith Morrill: father of the land-grant colleges 8 BEAUTIFYING WASHINGTON The Capitol is a credit to the nation. The architectural proportions are superb. The interior is arranged very ingeniously and wit... Coy F. Cross, II,CF Cross...
When you are at work, reduce the stress of your colleges and supervisors. If you can reduce other people’s stress, those people will gravitate towards you. You will be seen as the leader and your colleagues will eventually want to work for you. Here is a linkto Mark's excellent intervie...
More companies hiring for a given language, means colleges try to produce graduates with skills in those languages. Available talent in those languages means companies hire them, and so on. User groups spring up for those languages, and beginners hear about a given language from their peers, ...