我不能扮演冰歌♥罗士比 Well,Ican'tplayBingCrosby, 我是加利格兰 I'mCaryGrant. 但我会向大家承认… ButI'llconfesssomethingtoyou... 他是一个角色… heisacharacter... 加利格兰,他是我创造的 CaryGrant...Imadehimup. 我创造出这个完美的人… Imadeuptheperfectman... 为了生存 inordertosurvive....
“I have something to confess. You see, I’ve always been someone else. I made up Cary Grant as I went along.” The life of Hollywood’s greatest leading man, Cary Grant, is to be depicted in a four-part drama, Archie, written by award winning screenwriter, Jeff Pope, and starring...
Absolutely the largest, most comprehensive Cary Grant site online. Reviews, thousands of photos, sound bytes, DVD & video sources for all 72 of Cary's films.
阿奇Archie (2023) 首播: 2023-11-23(英国) 集数: 4 描述好莱坞最伟大的男主角阿奇博尔德-亚历山大-利奇(又名加里-格兰特)的一生。加里·格兰特(Cary Grant,1904年1月18日—1986年11月2 - 路小年于20231215发布在抖音,已经收获了391个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
In 1963, Cary Grant was at the ripe age of 58 and had nothing more to prove to anyone — but he was in trouble. As part of a settlement with Joe Hyams, a well-known columnist and Hollywood biographer, he agreed to a life story to be published by Ladies’ Home Journal. This ...
A Smooth Transition; How Archie Leach Became Cary GrantJonathan Yardley
YoureCaryGrant. 对你来说不是,妈妈,我是阿齐 Nottoyou,Mum.ImjustArchie. 没问题的,艾尔丝 Itsokay,Elsie. 走开… Goaway... 来 Herewego! 我觉得你或者会有点饿 Ithoughtmaybe,maybeyourefeelingabitpeckish. 加了大量盐和醋 Tonsofsaltandvinegar, 是你一向的口味 justthewayyouusedtolikeit. 是热的 ...
Dontyoufeelthesame?Dontyoufeel... 你的情况…和我的想象中出入很大 Thisissonot...howIexpectedyoutobe. 我知道 Iknow. 加利格兰从来不会向女人投怀送抱 CaryGrantwouldneverthrowhimselfatawoman. 所以所有人都想做加利格兰 ThatswhyeveryonewantstobeCaryGrant. 连我都想做加利格兰 EvenIwanttobeCaryGrant. 但我...
MrGrant?MrFoxishere. 谢谢你,美尔 Thankyou,Mae. 加利史丹尼 -Cary.-Stanley. 你不是该已梳洗好、打扮好吗 Shouldntyoubegettingshoweredanddressed? 我…我不肯定会否前往 I,I...Im,ImnotsureImgoingtocome. 什么 What? 我不会出席诉讼程序 Imnotattendingtheproceedings. 加利,你要亲自到场 Cary,youneedtobe...
From"What's the Gain" from the musical "Archie" Cary Grant was and is still one of the most recognizable people in the world. A person who seemed to have it all. But behind this "famous man" was a man, one who had a life just like everyone else. ...