bows, and crossbows. The 400 fps crossbow target is a testament to its robustness, ensuring that it can withstand the high speeds of modern crossbows. The deer target with vital areas is a unique feature that enhances the realism of the target, making it an excellent tool for honing your ...
The Iron Man 24 from BIGShot Targets is tough enough to stop bolts or arrows form the fastest crossbows/compounds while allowing buttery-smooth arrow extraction. The hardened outer case allows improved compression, better shape retention and self-standing stability after hits from the most powerful r...
Waterproof and fog-proof, the Marksman Elite Scope features a variable speed and arrow drop-compensation setting for crossbows that shoot between 300 and 500 FPS The configuration consists of three illuminated duplex crosshairs calibrated at 20, 40, and 60-yards, two illuminated dots at 30- and ...