cut-throat shooting to winnow the field of hopefuls down to eight, and ended with a high-stakes, one arrow shootout between young Mary of Harford, and Celsus of Delftwood. Mary emerged victorious, and after that, things went quickly. The next round had all eight of the archers shooting...
In this position his eyes were considerably above the nock of the arrow and he therefore had to allow for over-shooting his mark. He changed the position of his drawing hand for different ranges. For near shots, his right hand was often drawn as high as his mouth. His extreme length of...
Modern bows also have something called a peep sight: a small donut-shaped plastic ring, located in the string (near where you nock the arrow). At full draw, you look through the hole at sighting pins on the bow itself. You set the pins at different heights for different ranges (20, 3...