Premiering on New Year's Day in 1951, the groundbreaking radio drama is the longest-running soap in the world and currently airs on BBC Radio 4. The show was created by Godfrey Baseley and is set in the fictional county of Borsetshire, where the titular Archer family work on their farm...
It was Wednesday night on Radio 4. If you remember Crackerjack, she said, you'll know what I mean when I say it's that time in the evening when we like to have a laugh. So, she went on, if you're listening to this in your car and you're asked why you're laughing at the ...
ADULTERY AND THE ARCHERS ; an Everyday Story of Radio Hype ++ at First It Was a Drama Serial Which Aimed to Educate Farmers. Now There's Sex, Drugs and Rocky Marriages. A S Radio 4's Long-Running Soap Celebrates Its 15,000th Episode, Robert Hanks Looks Back on the Uneasy Relationship...
On February 17, 1955, Hill appeared as a contestant onYou Bet Your Life, a popular Americanquiz serieshosted on both radio and television by comedianGroucho Marx.In that televised broadcast, Hill describes the most challenging trick shot he ever performed and also briefly discusses his experiences...
(There use to be an active forum on the BBC website). Found this reference: OP posts: See next See all Quote Thanks...
Discusses the efforts of various British television and radio programs to include plots about gay couples in order to reflect modern society. Consideration of a gay kiss between two men on the program 'The Archers'; Comparison of the Bri... ...
We'll make the joke on themWe'll make a jokeNevermind your friends 'cause you can make a joke of them2 timesLet's stick ourselvesLet's tack their earlobes to the radioWe'll watch our heroes trip and fallI've found a reason to quitAnd I can stop when I wantAnd I can call it ...
In Ambridge, Art Meets Reality and No One Can Tell the Difference: Profile: The Archers ; on New Year's Eve, Radio's Favourite Soap Marks Its Golden Jubilee. Some Say It Portrays a Mendaciously Cosy View of Rural Life, but to Many Fans It Is All Too Believable Newspaper article By ...
A Family Affair: `Rows Are Shaken off in the Studio' ; Judy Bennett Joined the Cast of Radio 4's `the Archers' in 1971, as Shula Archer. She Met Charles Collingwood While They Were Working on a Children's TV Series, and Soon Afterwards, He Got a Part in `the Archers', Playing ...
But after months of tuning in on tenterhooks many were left bitterly disappointed - because the episode was broadcast on Radio 4's digitalonly station. Hundreds of listeners expressed fury at being 'cheated' of following the crucial storyline to its conclusion on the traditional Radio 4 slot. ...