The meaning of ARCHETYPE is the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies : prototype; also : a perfect example. How to use archetype in a sentence. Did you know?
ar•che•type (ˈɑr kɪˌtaɪp) n. 1.the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; prototype. 2.(in Jungian psychology) an inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in indi...
The invention relates to a self-supporting structure of the "arch" type, characterized in that it comprises at least one span (4) provided with a first (41) and a second end (42), two rigid uprights ( 2, 2 ') each also provided with a first (23, 23') and a second end (24,...
Arche不仅可以当作DAC耳放,也具备XLR平衡与RCA非平衡两种类比输出端口,换句话说,您也可以把Arche连接至家用音响系统的放大器。输入端口有1组RCA模拟端口,还有3组数码输入,分别是数码同轴、光纤以及USB Type-B,不过要注意的是,数码同轴与光纤输入仅能支援到24bit/192kHz,如果想要输入更高解析的音乐,请改用USB端口。
Arche铰链是雅洁(ARCHIE)品牌的铰链产品,具有以下特点: 1. 多种型号和规格:Arche铰链包括不锈钢铰链、液压缓冲铰链等多种型号和规格,可以满足不同应用场景的需求。 2. 高品质材料:Arche铰链采用高品质材料制造,具有耐腐蚀、耐磨损、耐高温等特点,可以保证长时间的使用寿命。...
Twitter adhoc ARCHE is lightweight designed frame specially for running, cycling and trialthon. Concise curve airflow design make air flow smooth pass ,take away moisture in the lens easily. Allfit adjustable nose pad and ADG metal temple that could adjusted by face type and head shape, to ...
7. “archetype”由“arche-”和“type”组成,意为“原型”。这个词反映了事物的原始或基础形态。通过学习这些与“arch”相关的单词,我们不仅增加了词汇量,还深入了解了语言的深层结构与含义。探索词根词缀的学习之旅,让我们更深入地理解语言,解锁更多知识的宝藏。继续前行,每天进步一点点,语言之路...
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