Suggested meanings of the name 'Metatron' include 'Angel of the Presence' and 'Next to the Throne of God'.Focus of and Associations with Archangel Metatron Archangel Metatron is associated with communication and the expression of ideas.
straighforward to translate or interpret as those of most of the other archangels and many other angels. Another exception to the general rule that the names of archangels end in '-el' isArchangel Metatron. Suggested meanings of the name 'Sandalphon' include 'Messiah' and 'Prince of Prayers...
κρίσις, like κρίνω, has the two meanings of judgment and of accusation, cf. Lycurg. 31 where οἱ συκοφαντοῦντες are distinguished from τῶν δικαίως τὰς κρίσεις ἐνισταμένων.ἐπιτιμήσ...