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Define archaic. archaic synonyms, archaic pronunciation, archaic translation, English dictionary definition of archaic. also ar·cha·i·cal adj. 1. also Archaic Relating to, being, or characteristic of a much earlier, often more primitive period, especi
The age of tyrants that had started with Draco would soon nearly be over, but not if the Peisistratids had anything to do with it.The Peisistratids were a short line of Athenian tyrants that started with Peisistratos, and it should be noted that the term 'tyrant' during this period ...
2015). On top of this long-term trend, there were short-term climatic fluctuations in the Holocene with cold events such as the one at 8,200 bp, now used as a marker for the transition between the Greenlandian and the Northgrippian (Walker et al. 2019). It is generally accepted ...
1. Noun an archaic term for the formal name of a person. 刺史这个官名在各个朝代有不同的职权和地位。 2. The Xuan Paper products cover a complete range of specifications, including albums of painting and calligraphy, albums of seal impressions, letter papers, pseudo-archaic antithetical couplets,...
英文-加利西亚文字典 Homo sapiens arcaico extinct relatives of modern humans (Homo) from the past half million years (such as Neanderthals) wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“archaic humans"自动翻译成 加利西亚文 humanos arcaicos Glosbe Translate ...
将“obituary (archaic term)"翻译成中文 哀启, 哀啟是“obituary (archaic term)"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:However, KKR was still burdened by the performance of the RJR investment and repeated obituaries in the media. ↔ 然而,KKR仍然被投资RJR的表现所拖累,并不断地在媒体发布相关的负面...
(archaeology, US) A general term for the prehistoric period intermediate between the earliest period (‘Paleo-Indian’, ‘Paleo-American’, ‘American‐paleolithic’, &c .) of human presence in the Western Hemisphere, and the most recent prehistoric period (‘Woodland’, etc.). Of or charact...
the private domain and this is what I plan to investigate. The symposium wasn’t just limited to Athens but also occurred in Sparta and other countries, showing that it was an important part of different cultures and societies. The term “symposium” literally means, “drinking together”, ...
December 2000 and 7 June 2001, the Panel on Security was briefed on the Administration's long-term prison development plan to address the current problemsofarchaicfacilities and inadequate penal places, and to meet the forecast growth in penal population. ...