Old Chinese (redirected fromArchaic Chinese) Related to Archaic Chinese:Middle Chinese,Classical Chinese Old Chinese n. The Chinese language in the first millenniumbc, in which the earliest Confucian classics were written. Its pronunciation is reconstructed from the analysis of the development of Chines...
Define archaicism. archaicism synonyms, archaicism pronunciation, archaicism translation, English dictionary definition of archaicism. n an archaism Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 19
I had the first touch with Death Metal in the age of 13. My dad listens to Heavy and Death Metal too. Thatswhy I can took his CDs whenever I want. My first choice are bands like Black Sabbath, Mercyful Fate, Metallica, Rainbow and so on. Later I spend more time with stuff like S...
Thou is an archaic form of you. “Thou” 是“you” 的古体。adv.-ally little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type; "archaic forms of life"; "primitive mammals"; "the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe"同义词:primitive, so extremely old as ...
Now this phenomenon is already present in rudimentary form in the most archaic cultures. Literature What we have just said of the primitive applies in large measure to the man of the archaic cultures. Literature In any case, we are here in the presence of archetypal images, already document...
AsAristotlesays of Draco “there is nothing peculiar in his laws that is worthy of mention, except their severity in imposing heavy punishment” (Politics2.1274b). 雅典的政治在古代时期经历了一系列严重的变化,第一个变化很可能是坏的,天龙的法律,大约在公元前 622/621 年(这些法律的半传奇性质及其...
Whatever the date, the plan of the basic structure is simple, with an apse containing the altar in the east. The main part is a square form with a double-pitched roof. At the top is an unusual squat cupola with a small nob supporting a cross. ...
英文-加利西亚文字典 Homo sapiens arcaico extinct relatives of modern humans (Homo) from the past half million years (such as Neanderthals) wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“archaic humans"自动翻译成 加利西亚文 humanos arcaicos Glosbe Translate ...
Esoteric describes something or someone has being difficult to comprehend, that the number of people who actually understand the concept is limited to a special few. The adverb form is esoterically. Archaic is a term for things or people that are ancient, and sometimes ancient and not of ...
1.marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated:archaic ideas. 2.(of a linguistic form) commonly used in an earlier time but rare in present-day usage except to suggest an older time: used in this dictionary to indicate a word not current since c1900. ...