Master’s degree in Anthropology, History, Historical Archaeology, or a related field; Experience within a maritime archaeology environment encompassing time in field, laboratory, and office (graduate field school acceptable); Knowledge in the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of sub-bottom prof...
Useful to note in this connection is that our taken for granted idea of the delimited ‘individual’ has been subjected to fierce criticism in anthropology. The anthropology of self testifies that for many communities in the world persons are not necessarily predicated either on the category of in...
. Itkonen (1948, pp. 422), an ethnographer, reported that some reindeer were faster to learn than others, and that the personality and teaching style of the trainer affected both how the reindeer learned and how good a transportation reindeer it became. Reindeer are selected for draught trainin...
Fig.3no. 1, 3–4). Although both categories share similar features such as flat striking platforms and broad fronts, the main difference between them is recorded in the length of the flaking surface that in carinated cores is longer than the width of the striking platform. In...
Using these approaches, and alongside fundamental questions related to how mobility intersects with sex, gender, age, status, ethnicity, religion, and other social categorizations. I first define the nuanced lexicon associated with the anthropology of human movement, discuss the history of anthropologic...
that are held at Jilin University in the People’s Republic of China, Mongol National University, and others open up the possibility of large-scale comparative physical anthropology of populations between major periods and regions (Eng2016; Dashtseveg2013; Lee2013; Lee and Zhang2011; Tumen2011)....
Another issue is the continuing debate in archaeology and anthropology about the value of generalizing approaches (see Kohl 2008, also Hegmon 2003, 2005; Watkins 2003). The argument is about the fundamental nature of explanation as either bottom-up or top-down. While this is in many ways a ...