从古代遗址的神秘面纱到现代社会的文化多样性,人类如何在时间长河中创造、适应与传承?牛津大学的Archaeology and Anthropology本科项目为你提供一扇洞察人类过去与现状的窗口。 这门课程结合考古学的物质探索与人类学的文化解读,带领学生追溯人类文明...
This volume argues that the time has come to recognise the insights archaeological approaches can bring to anthropology. Archaeology's rigorous approach to evidence and material culture; its ability to develop flexible research meth... (展开全部) 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 ...
archaeology and anthropology 考古学与人类学
考古学和人类学共同涵盖了从人类物种起源到现在的人类研究。这两个学科都有悠久的历史:考古学起源于 18 世纪的古物研究,而人类学则更早在殖民遭遇的最初几天就开始了。今天,这两个学科都涉及一系列与艺术、社会科学和物理科学共享的复杂方法。 入学要求 A-level: AAA 高级高手: AA/AAB IB: 38(包括核心分数)...
在当今瞬息万变和全球化的世界中,了解人类行为和经历跨越空间和时间的多样性的能力极其宝贵。英国布里斯托大学Anthropology and Archaeology人类学和考古学专业提供了一个令人兴奋的跨学科视角,探讨人类的意义,利用考古学和社会、生物和语言人类学来应对过去和现在的关键挑战。
Archaeology and Anthropologydoi:10.1007/978-3-030-30018-0_1057Matthews, Christopher N.Montclair State UniversitySpringer, ChamArchaeology and Anthropology 47: 105-126. (in Chinese)
Archaeology & anthropology is an international open access journal and forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original articles that synthesize the prehistory of an area of a time-horizon within a larger region, or describe technical advances of wide and general applications. AAOA provides in-de...
Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University Varrella 66 0 Human Sciences at Oxford University Varrella 50 0 Maths at Oxford University Varrella 72 0 Modern Languages and Linguistics at Oxford University Varrella 129 0 Economics and Management at Oxford University Varrella 64 0 ...
Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology is a multidisciplinary, Open access, Peer reviewed and even targettted journal towards the publishing of distinguished articles
London: Thames and Hudson. Social Anthropology Keesing, R. & Strathern, M. 1998. Cultural Anthropology. Barley, N. 1983. The Innocent Anthropologist. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Barley, N. 1986. A Plague of Caterpillars. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Fox, K. 2005. Watching the English. London:...