11月6日-星期三-天气阴:我在土耳其咖啡馆里考古 (本文作为《牛津通识读本:考古学的过去与未来(PaulBahn:Archaeology A very short introduction)》的读书笔记,时间地点人物纯属虚构如有雷同自己认栽吧) “很少有什么是好会像研究事前考古学那样使人变得如此健... (展开) ...
Archaeology: A very short introduction Archaeology: A very short introduction Paul Bahn, 1998 Very short系列是牛津大学的产品,好东西。PB以英伦特有的幽默感将一个学科予以有意、理性的介绍,不仅仅适合学生选专业所用,而且是其他专业人士认知这么学科的基本入门介绍。 PB并不堆砌所谓的考古专家、大咖,只是讲考古...
Very Short Introductions(共700册),这套丛书还有 《Theology》《The British Constitution》《Theodor Adorno》《Prehistory》《Accounting: A Very Short Introduction》等。 喜欢读"Biblical Archaeology"的人也喜欢 ··· 贵霜帝国之钱币 9.6 夏商周考古 9.2 欧洲旧石器时代社会 9.3 动物考古学 8.2 唐五代...
This entertaining Very Short Introduction reflects the enduring popularity of archaeology-a subject which appeals as a pastime, career, and academic discipline, encompasses the whole globe, and surveys 2.5 million years. From deserts to jungles, from deep caves to mountain tops, from pebble tools to...
Archaeology: A Very Short Introductionby Paul Bahn, Oxford University Press (978-0199657438) offers a short, inexpensive overview. Archaeology: An Introduction– 5thEdition – Kevin Greene and Tom Moore, Routledge (9780415496391) is pricier, but both comprehensive and comprehensible. ...
Biblical Archaeology - A Very Short Introduction SIGMUND FREUD'S COLLECTION AN ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE MIND 动物骨骼考古学The Archaeology of Animal Bones(2017).pdf Foucault Michel The Order Of Things An Archaeology Of The Human Sciences London Routledge THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE - Monoskop ANCIENT SHIPS...
Introduction In 2003, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme began the second 10-year stage (IGBP II) of investigation. This pro- gramme is one of the two new integrated studies of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project (Alverson et al., 2003; Steffen et al., 2005; Zhu et al....
Introduction Throughout history, the relationship between humans and birds has been rich and multifaceted, shaped by necessity, respect, and ingenuity. From early hunters-foragers relying on wildfowl for subsistence to the sacred role of birds in rituals and mythology, these creatures have held a ce...
Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction 作者:Paul G. Bahn 出版社:Oxford University Press, USA 出版年:1997-1 页数:112 装帧:平装 ISBN:9780192853257 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 + 加入购书单
A very basic introduction into the landscape of non-JS/static alluvial plot packages in R. Within these packages, if it is possible to use ordered factors to reorder the Y axis to change the order of strata. To those ends, below is a surficial and brief look at how to get something ...