The purpose of this paper is to review the performance of the protective shelters installed over three archaeological sites in Malta over the past decade, and to draw some key lessons learnt that may be useful to others when considering whether to adopt a similar solution. The conservation ...
One site above all others is special to Malta – theHypogeum, a labyrinth of underground chambers probably used as both a burial site and a temple. The Islands’ temples qualify asUNESCO World Heritage Sitesand are open to the public.There aremegalithic monuments, Bronze Age dolmens, Punic tom...
regarding the shelters installed over three of the Megalithic Temples of Malta, their performance, and lessons learnt, which may be useful in other contexts where comparable challenges are being considered. We will shortly be marking the
Only a few sites could not be localized. The classification of the site by type and function is based on archaeological references. This section was challenging to build due to the lack of coordinates provided by publications and the absence of reliable GIS for archaeological sites in most ...
This section was challenging to build due to the lack of coordinates provided by publications and the absence of reliable GIS for archaeological sites in most countries, with exception of Brazil (, Peru (, and Colombia (https://...
The small Mediterranean archipelago of Malta holds some of the best-preserved material remains of prehistoric religion in Europe. The rich potential of the parent limestone bedrock and the lack of alternative building material privileged stone construction. Over the course of time, this stone constructi...
in the USSR, the so-calledotkrytyi list(full authorization document). In searching for archaeological remains, scientists base themselves on regularities in the location of remains of different periods. For example, the ancient D’iakovo sites of fortified towns (gorodisheha) are usually located ...
Later that year, Bush met with Mikhail Gorbachev off the coast of Malta, and announced the Cold War might be coming to a close. [Pictured: On Dec. 2, 1989, President Bush meets with President Mikhail Gorbachev during the Malta Summit.] 1990: Chemical Weapons Accord George Bush Presidential...
The use of mortars and plasters has been widespread in many cultures for thousands of years and these materials are found in the vast majority of built cul
We analyzed 5263 radiocarbon dates from 1330 prehistoric archaeological sites in the central Mediterranean (FigureS1) using Kernel Density Estimation (KDE). This methodological approach uses the frequency of occupied sites with dateable material as a proxy for settlement density and demographic change, ...