The heatmap shown in Fig.3A provides a graphical summary of the changes in detection for the archaea-MAGs. Detection was defined as the proportion of a given contig in the MAG that is covered at least 1X. Hierarchical clustering grouped the archaea-MAGs into three clusters based on detection...
The discovery of Archaea challenged the established akaryote/eukaryote divide (we use the term “akaryote” to describe a cell without a bona fide nucleus. This term complements the word “eukaryote” (“eu,” good, and “karyon,” kernel), which is ahistorical. The new term takes away ...
The potential for incorporating oligopeptides in the cell, together with the posses- sion of carbon fixation genes, suggests that, similarly to C. symbiosum A (Hallam et al., 2006a, b), these meso- and bathypelagic crenarchaeota may behave as mixotrophs. Genome fragments from Group 1A ...
withWbeing the width andLbeing the length of the cells. AOA cell dimensions were directly obtained from the nanoSIMS measurements, which, unlike fluorescent signals, do not overestimate cell size due to the fluorescence “halo-effect”. The volumetric carbon content of the AOA population was calc...
Total RNA was extracted from the frozen cell pellets using a Polytron tissue homogenizer and TRI Reagent (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). RNA samples were treated with TURBO DNase (Ambion, Austin, TX, USA) to remove any residual DNA, re-extracted with TRI Reagent, and normalized to ...
A unique feature of halobacteria is the purple membrane, specialized regions of the cell membrane that contain a two-dimensional crystalline lattice of a chromoprotein, bacteriorhodopsin. Bacteriorhodopsin which contains a protein moiety (bacterioopsin) and a covalent bound chromophore (retinal) acts as...
2006). While per-cell rates of ammonia oxidation are less for AOA (2–4 × 10–15 mol NH3/cell/day, Wuchter et al. 2006) than for AOB (6–20 × 10–15 mol NH3/cell/day, Ward 1987), observation of 1000-3000-times greater abundance of AOA than AOB in marine environments (Karner...
The lower growth of AOB, despite similar or higher gross nitrification, might be explained by differences in maintenance requirements or differences in cell sizes, such that more ammonia oxidation would be required for similar actual increases in AOB abundance (‘actual’ growth) and AOA. Using ...
andHalobacteriumin D− k+). The PCoA plot of the archaeal community structure (Figure3(a)) segregated the samples according to the treatment received by kids (D+ k+ and D− k+ were clearly separated from D+ k− and D− k−) by the vertical axis, which explained 69.6% of ...
One approach to increasing cellular retention time is the use of cell immobilization as previously applied in the food, pharmaceutical, and environmental fields. Immobilization methods include the adsorption or attachment of cells to inert surfaces, self-aggregation of cells by flocculation, and cell en...