文檔標記語言:ruby-asciidoctor・python-markdown 混雜工具:linux-tools-meta・cpulimit・kexec-tools・quota-tools・snapper・inotify-tools 網絡應用:rsync・whois・dnsutils・wget・aria2・shadowsocks・openvpn・proxychains-ng・w3m・elinks・dhclient 802.11破解:aircrack-ng・macchanger・nma...
Then if you want a system like me, follow this guide for reference.This Guide will help you have the following install:BTRFS Filesystem + Snapper rollbacks. Root Partition Encryption + TPM unlocking. Unified Kernel Images. Secure Boot. Snapshot Booting with rEFInd btrfs. System Maintainence ...
Snapper or Yabsnap are (optionally) available to be setup and used for easy 'system restore' using a subvolume layouts reccomended by such as default. Subvols are still highly customizable at runtime. Will try to follow the latest Arch wiki, OpenSUSE's Snapper,orYabsnap reccomendations ...
The installation script will create a backups from configurations of your .config folder that will be overwritten from the installation procedure and previous HL4W Dotfiles installation. If possible, please create a snapshot of your current system if snapper or Timeshift is installed and available....
It is meant to be used with the Arch installation guide on the Arch wiki, it only contains the diffrences for installing btrfs and snapper, and some other tips. The btrfs and snapper setup is based on this guide from unicks.eu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKdZiCTh3EM. I ...
Rockfish in the long view: Applied zooarchaeology and conservation of Pacific red snapper (genus Sebastes) in southern California. In Conservation Biology and Applied Zooarchaeology; Wolverton, S., Lyman, R.L., Eds.; University of Arizona Press: Tucson, AZ, USA, 2012; pp. 157–178. [...