Arch Motorcycles, a partnership between Keanu Reeves and designer Gard Hollinger, is ready to unleash their latest creation. The Arch Method 143 packs a massive...
Motorcycles Inspired by the ride. Crafted with passion. Tailored to you. DISCOVER MORE DISCOVER MORE DISCOVER MORE BESPOKE There is a unique feeling walking up to your machine, one that you co-designed and have entrusted us to curate. We offer a truly bespoke experience by working closely ...
距离EICMA 2019 开幕只有整整一周的时间,Arch Motorcycles刚刚推出了其更2020款新的旗舰车型KRGT-1。在大大小小的升级中,博世ABS现在作为所有出售的KRGT-1的标准配置。 我们可以花一分钟时间欣赏一下华丽的后摇臂,做工出色堪比艺术品。 首先:悬架可调,前后可调。前叉采用倒置式48毫米前叉,后部则带液压预载调节装置的...
該技術還將幫助ARCH Motorcycle創建量身定製的人體工程學摩托車設計,將減震器、座椅、車把、腳踏控制和整體貼合度方面的個性化客戶規格納入其中。 "At ARCH, we strive for precision machining and attention to detail for crafted production motorcycles. Our goal is to integrate Hexagon's latest metrology technolog...
距离EICMA 2019 开幕只有整整一周的时间,Arch Motorcycles刚刚推出了其更2020款新的旗舰车型KRGT-1。在大大小小的升级中,博世ABS现在作为所有出售的KRGT-1的标准配置。 我们可以花一分钟时间欣赏一下华丽的后摇臂,做工出色堪比艺术品。 首先:悬架可调,前后可调。前叉采用倒置式48毫米前叉,后部则带液压预载调节装置的...
Reeves: Can you build me a sissy bar? Hollinger: We don't build sissy bars. Reeves: Oh, then what do you do? Hollinger: We make motorcycles. Reeves: Well … Are you interested in making a motorcycle? Bollinger: I don't know, what sort of motorcycle do you wanna make?
Motorcycles These American-Made Bespoke Motorcycles Are Works of Art Cofounded by pals Keanu Reeves and Gard Hollinger, ARCH Motorcycle is at the forefront of creating incredibly good looking bikes. By Daisy HernandezPublished: Feb 22, 2022 8:31 AM EST Save Article Playback cannot continue. No ...
近日電馭叛客2077就在社群媒體上,公佈了一支他們和Arch Motorcycles兩位創辦人Keanu Reeves、Gard Hollinger一起拍攝、錄製遊戲中Arch Motorcycles重機聲浪的現場畫面,畫面中可以看到Arch Motorcycles兩位創辦人,用玩車人才懂的“獨特語言”討論起遊戲中的車輛該有什麼樣的聲浪。
It is with great pomp and circumstance that we bring you the ultimate Fri-yay contest, courtesy of ARCH Motorcycles and Ohlins Racing.
距离EICMA 2019 开幕只有整整一周的时间,Arch Motorcycles刚刚推出了其更2020款新的旗舰车型KRGT-1。在大大小小的升级中,博世ABS现在作为所有出售的KRGT-1的标准配置。 我们可以花一分钟时间欣赏一下华丽的后摇臂,做工出色堪比艺术品。 首先:悬架可调,前后可调。前叉采用倒置式48毫米前叉,后部则带液压预载调节装置的...