针对你遇到的问题 arch_list[-1] += '+ptx' indexerror: list index out of range,我们可以从以下几个方面进行解答和提供解决方案: 1. 检查 arch_list 是否为空 在尝试访问 arch_list[-1] 之前,应首先检查 arch_list 是否为空。如果为空,则尝试访问其最后一个元素会引发 IndexError。 代码示例: python...
(PTX充当目标代码和机器代码之间的一种中间层。当CUDA程序编译时,它首先被编译成PTX代码,然后根据具体的GPU架构转换成机器代码。) 这就导致尝试在空列表上执行操作时出现索引错误。导致arch_list=[]可能的原因包括驱动程序与CUDA不匹配,或者是在Docker环境中的问题。我就是在server上安装环境,但还没有分配GPU,所以检...
File "/home/zw/anaconda3/envs/sam3d/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1626, in _get_cuda_arch_flags arch_list[-1] += '+PTX' IndexError: list index out of range I don not know why come out IndexError, could you give me some advice?
In parallel, if you feel there are significant performance to be gained by building for '8.0,9.0+PTX' or even more archs, then please start doing the steps in this checklist in order to get this feedstock and yourself added to the allowlist for the gpu-long-running runners which have a...
Gencodes (‘-gencode‘) allows for more PTX generations and can be repeated many times for different architectures. Here’s a list of NVIDIA architecture names, and which compute capabilities they have: †Fermi and Kepler are deprecated from CUDA 9 and 11 onwards ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 159868 Nov 17 10:03 userdata.img 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1.3 安装交叉编译工具 由于x86和ARM64架构最底层的指令集不同,所以两个平台的程序不能通用,需要分开编译,编译的工具链是不一样。
A cycle-level, heterogeneous architecture simulator for x86 and NVIDIA PTX instructions. http://comparch.gatech.edu/hparch/macsim.html https://github.com/gthparch/macsim Multi2Sim: A Heterogeneous System Simulator http://www.multi2sim.org/ https://github.com/Multi2Sim/multi2sim Talks GP...
dig-n t leaindateaepiac2nnppl2rCoE0idanr0tno1noOeTXi1Psnnv6yhc5torPga,orotea.flusocFCL,ndfiocbCotwtcnuOotePsexiaooc.rhorhlARtn,uisliniyis.cooanllAeElhpicwmnc"iadpTxoieTroin.oMesdPssIhueTvcheeOoelOaiuhfxdixnftltieNcptppgliepbFviterFelcp.eeoeaodccoosrrg2h&jttBxmmeso5ieVPebnycden.Caois...
The line ENV TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="8.0;8.6+PTX;8.9;9.0" usually works fine to ensure that an app can built in a Docker even though Docker cannot see any GPU. But trying to build vLLM fails with this: #11 509.5 ptxas /tmp/tmpxft_00000226_00000000-11_gemm_kernels.compute_70.ptx, ...
Enable other build archs xref:Build on OpenStack server for TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=8.0;8.6;8.9;9.0+PTX#4 carterboxadded2commitsJuly 29, 2024 12:24 BLD: Enable all compatible CUDA arch targets 6be2fd7 BLD: Limit MAX_JOBS to prevent runner crash ...