rc.conf - 选项设置和快捷键 commands.py - 能通过 : 执行的命令 rifle.conf - 指定不同类型的文件的默认打开程序。 scope.sh - 用于指定预览程序的文件 根据wiki中选择w3m进行预览图片,但显示有问题,于是安装了ueberzug,可以正常显示图像了。(记得根据wiki修改rc.conf,在末尾添加下面两行) set preview_images ...
如果是原版 linux 内核的话,就要做好随时滚挂的准备,最近的 5.18 内核更新就会导致 nvidia-5.15 版本驱动失效无法开机(需要在启动选项中添加ibt=off),如果你希望稳定使用,就选择 linux-lts 内核和linux-lts-headers,并安装相应的 nvidia-lts 驱动(后面会有详细说明),不过不用太担心,即便是系统安装完成,你也可以随...
$wget https://download.docker.com/linux/static/stable/x86_64/docker-27.5.0.tgz -qO-|tar xvfz - docker/docker --strip-components=1$mv ./docker /usr/local/bin Download the latest Arch package from theRelease notes. Install the package: ...
A TUI(terminal user interface) which provides updates and maintains an Arch based linux distribution. This program provides numerous tools to Arch Linux users. The program is menu-based and written in bash. It is mainly text based but also uses dialog GUI's at a few points mainly for direct...
require('cypress-terminal-report/src/installLogsPrinter')(on, options) options.defaultTrimLengthinteger; default: 800; Max length of cy.log and console.warn/console.error.options.commandTrimLengthinteger; default: 800; Max length of cy commands....
Open thesddm.conffile from the terminal. sudo nano /usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d/default.conf Change the theme section as per below. [Theme] # current theme name Current=breeze Modify the sddm configuration to accept breeze theme PressCTRL+OandCTRL+Xto save and exit the nano editor. Now you...
Garuda Linux is a free, open-source rolling release based on Arch Linux that focuses on user-friendliness, privacy, and performance.
windows-terminal 3. INSTRUCTIONS 使用说明 3-1.COMMANDS 基本命令 3-2. zshtheme 命令说明 3-3. zshcolor 命令说明 3-4. PLUGINS 预装插件说明 4.相关项目 Tmoe-zsh 介绍 . <(curl -L l.tmoe.me/ee/zsh) 为GNU/Linux 和 Android-Termux 配置数百个 zsh 主题和插件。
Note that yum will try to contact the repo. when it runs most commands, so will have to try and fail eachtime(and thus. yum will be be much slower). If it is a very temporary problem though, this is often anice compromise: