kernel-qemu-5.4.51-busterversatile-pb-buster-5.4.51.dtb 这两个文件到一个自己创建的目录文件夹下。我的是oldone 下载旧树莓派镜像 wget还是扔浏览器自己点击,看自己...
sudo umount /mnt/arch/boot /mnt/arch/root 至此,您的SD卡上有可启动的Arch Linux OS。 启动Pi 将SD卡放入Raspberry Pi板,插入显示器,键盘和电源,即可开始使用。 默认用户名为alarm,密码为alarm。该用户具有sudo权限。 您也可以使用密码root以root身份登录。 在这里,您可以更改用户密码,设置WiFi以及配置新的Arc...
~/userland/build/raspberry/release ~/userland CMake Warning at makefiles/cmake/arm-linux.cmake:5 (message): *** * CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE not defined * * This is correct for compiling on the Raspberry Pi * * * * If you are cross-compiling on some other machine * * then DELETE the ...
/bin/bash# <>echo-e"\n\nArch Linux ARM to SD Card"echo-e"For the Raspberry Pi 3, if you want to use the unofficial arm64 variant."echo-e"(Otherwise use the Raspberry Pi 2 version of this script!)\n\n"if[[$EUID-...
Step 3: Insert the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi and, connect the power supply and to the Internet. Arch Linux is installed on the SD card at this step, and the rest of the configurations will be done from the Raspberry pi. ...
If youcheck out this page, you will see quite a few options for installing an OS on the Raspberry Pi. There are many more images out there, including Arch Linux for your Raspberry Pi! The one I am interested in is Raspberry PI OS Lite: ...
本教程理论上只适用于Debian系列的Linux系统(使用apt和dpkg做包管理的一般都可以),并在Raspberry pi os通过测试。(已升级到Debian testing) 步骤1 创建Armhf环境 首先你需要获取你发行版的debootstrap软件包 打开终端,输入命令 mkdir /Winedebootstrap--arch armhf testing /Wine ...
两个传送门:Installation guide (简体中文)Raspberry Pi (简体中文) 一些驱动 sudo pacman -S firmware-raspberrypi 没多探究这是啥,看到有就装上了。 音频 sudo pacman -S alsa-utils alsa-firmware alsa-lib alsa-plugins 设置自动选择音频输出 amixer cset numid=3 0 ...
-D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchains/aarch64-linux-gnu.toolchain.cmake .. $ make -j4 $ make install # copy output to dirs $ sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/ncnn $ sudo cp -r install/include/ncnn /usr/local/include/ncnn $ sudo cp -r install/lib/libncnn.a /usr/local/lib/ncnn/li...
Step 5:Finally, after finishing the installation, run the RetroArch by entering the name “RetroArch” in the terminal. Conclusion RetroArch game emulator is an ideal alternative to play different old games on your Raspberry Pi device and you won’t need any other emulator when you successfully...