arch 更新not enough free disk space 如果arch在更新时出现如下问题 error:Partition/boot toofull: xxxx blocks needed,0blocks free. error:notenoughfreedisk space 可以将/boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img 文件删除,然后重新尝试更新。 参考: 作者...
在Arch Linux 下载页面上,可以下载到 x86_64 版本的 ISO,但没找到 ARM 版。后来想起来我用的是OrbStack,打开图形界面,直接按向导安装了一个 Arch Linux,分分钟就装好了。然后,测试了网络、编译安装 FreeSWITCH 都没有任何问题。 这是一个好的开端,但上述方法安装的 Arch Linux 没有任何网络问题,网络都是自动...
This tutorial presents a step-by-step basicArch Linuxinstallation process through a CD/USB bootable image on UEFI-based machines. For other customizations or details visit the Official Arch Linux Wiki page at Step 1: Create a Disk Partitions Layout To get started, he...
hydai changed the title free(): invalid pointer Aborted (core dumped) free(): invalid pointer Aborted (core dumped) on arm64 arch linux. Oct 26, 2023 Member hydai commented Nov 4, 2023 Hi @shahizat This issue is fixed in the 0.13.5 release. Please try again on the Jetson Orin....
Wine cannot find the FreeType font library. To enable Wine to use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than or equal to 2.0.5. Wine cannot find the FreeType font library. To enable Wine to u...
installation guide may leave you with an error response of “incorrect installation.” Also, it is advised that you have GnuPG on your computer before launching the Arch Linux installer script. If GnuPG is not present on your computer, you may also get the “incorrect installation” error ...
1、概述 Anaconda是RedHat、CentOS、Fedora等Linux的安装管理程序。它能够提供文本、图形等安装管...
RetroArch can run on the usual platforms like Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. RetroArch also runs on Apple and Android for tablets and phones, as well as on game consoles like PS3, PSP, PS Vita, Wii, Wii U and more! See the list Latest...
Linux can use up to 64 Gigabytes of physical memory on x86 systems. However, the address space of 32-bit x86 processors is only 4 Gigabytes large. That means that, if you have a large amount of physical memory, not all of it can be "permanently mapped" by the kernel. ...