众所周知,安装Arch Linux 是一件非常复杂并痛苦的事情,您需要一定的 Linux 基础,然后使用命令行进行硬盘分区,安装自己需要的软件,Arch Linux 官方也并未提供 GUI 安装程序,所以很多想尝试 Arch Linux 的用户都会被劝退在安装这一步骤上。 archinstall 是一个 Python 写的 Arch Linux 安装向导程序,我们可以很方便...
Arch Linux Fast Installer : tutorial installer. Contribute to MatMoul/archfi development by creating an account on GitHub.
本书包含从 Arch Linux 安装,科学上网,魔法充能,到显卡驱动,日常软件的使用等,另附媒体制作,编程,加密货币在 ArchLinux 上的使用等你可能需要的全部内容。让 Arch Linux 成为你的常用系统吧!提供在线网页文档。 本项目隶属于 ArchLinuxStudio,一个加拿大社区组织。ArchLinuxStudio 不是官方 ArchLinux 本身。
reboot Arch Linux 运行 GNOME 43 桌面 如果一切顺利,你应该在 GNOME 桌面上看到一个漂亮的登录提示。使用你刚刚创建的凭证登录。迎接你的应该是 Arch Linux 漂亮而干净的 GNOME 43 桌面。 我希望这个指南能帮助你在裸机 Arch 安装 GNOME 桌面。 via:https://www.debugpoint.com/gnome-arch-linux-install/ 作者...
Arch linux+kde安装 毕竟小白,装时查阅了不少资料,这里保存一下,方便下次参考,本机硬件:ssd500G,机械1T 参考链接: Archwiki https://archlinuxstudio.github.io/ArchLinuxTutorial/#/ 0 准备工作 在Arch官网下载对应版本iso镜像,用rufus制作系统镜像,装完系统可以保存着,用于后续使用...
The installation of Arch has been and continues to be a rite-of-passage within the Linux community. Although there are many guides that discuss the steps needed to install Arch Linux, I couldn't resist writing my very own guide. This guide promises to be
In this tutorial, we’ll learn why theDiscover Software Managermay not be able to install packages in Arch. Then, we’ll learn how to fix this issue using two different methods. 2. What Is the Discover Software Manager? The Discover Software Manager (or simply Discover) is thePlasmadesktop...
Many Debian users struggle to install their favorite software after migrating toArch Linuxor any other Arch-based distro because they’re comfortable with.debpackages, which can’t be directly installed on these systems. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss different methods for installing our desired....
This tutorial will help you install Go(Golang) on a Manjaro/Arch Linux system. This guide can also work for other Linux systems like Debian or Ubuntu or Redhat based systems.\nGo is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by
Install Tensorflow in Windows 11 WSL If you have an NVIDIA GPU then the only way to install the latest Tensorflow in Windows 11 is to use WSL At the time of this writing (Nov 2024) almost every available installation guide and tutorial is obsolete. This is because the way you install Pyt...