按自己的需求安装就可以 这里需要提前说一下,linux-zen 内核不支持nvidia 显卡,有这个需求的就别装了,如果是原版 linux 内核的话,就要做好随时滚挂的准备,最近的 5.18 内核更新就会导致 nvidia-5.15 版本驱动失效无法开机(需要在启动选项中添加ibt=off),如果你希望稳定使用,就选择 linux-lts 内核和linux-lts-headers...
# HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf kms keyboard keymap consolefont block filesystems fsck) HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf keyboard keymap consolefont block filesystems fsck) 初期RAM を再作成して再起動する $ sudo mkcpioinit -p linux $ reboot Display brightness control ディスプレイの...
neofetch is not useful for us. as we have explained in the bug report form, useinxi --graphics --system --width=80 Flameshot is unable to capture screen on Arch Linux, KDE, Wayland#3052 Please tell me how this is different from#2974and#2880?
linux-devil / ggml lipaul / ggml Liujingxiu23 / ggml liunix61 / ggml liuq4360 / ggml LiuShuoJiang / ggml liuwei-git / ggml ljmdev / ggml lknight / ggml LoganDark / ggml loichau1997 / ggml louisblankemeier / ggml
143739: 09/10/23: Re: CPLD/FPGA with Linux 148445: 10/07/23: Re: WTB: Xilinx USB JTAG Cablehabib bouaziz-viallet: 81959: 05/04/05: WebPack_7.1 on Linux ?hack: 46678: 02/09/05: Re: Hardware Code Morphing?Hack-Man: 5469: 97/02/18: Re: Using FPGA for PCI interface<...
alpinelinux-appstream-data-20200910-r0.apk 2.6 MB 2020-09-11 00:20 alsa-plugins-1.2.2-r1.apk 40.4 KB 2020-05-18 11:41 alsa-plugins-a52-1.2.2-r1.apk 9.5 KB 2020-05-18 11:41 alsa-plugins-doc-1.2.2-r1.apk 1.5 KB 2020-05-18 11:41 alsa-plugins-jack-1.2.2-r1.apk 7.8 KB...
General settings URxvt.scrollBar: false URxvt.internalBorder: 40 URxvt*font: xft:Hack Nerd Font Mono:size=11, xft:Symbola:style=Regular:size=14,xft:M+ 1c URxvt.cursorBlink: True URxvt*iconFile: /usr/share/icons/custom/urxvt_ico.png !ROFI SETUP rofi.hide-scrollbar: true rofi.show-...
Enable nerd fonts for your terminal, URxvt for example in .Xresources: URxvt*font: xft:Hack Nerd Font:style=Regular:size=11 Optional In order to use lsd when entering the ls command, you need to add this to your shell configuration file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.): alias ls='lsd'...
I recommend using IBM Plex Mono font (it's an open-source and awesome font that can make your code look beautiful). The Awesome vimrc is already setup to try to use it.Some other fonts that Awesome will try to use:Hack Source Code Pro...