本吧热帖: 1-关于近期可能出现的引导滚挂问题 2-【吧务】临时吧规 3-gnome安装后,进入桌面,不显示软件的问题。 4-从今天起进入Arch阵营 5-笔记本安装archlinux后开机会花屏一下,AMD显卡Radeon 780M 6-i3党福利:i3-gaps 支持透明啦 7-arch没法玩simcity4 8-linuxqq在gnom
十一、安裝設置Linux下的QQ 1、 eva eva是一個linux平台下的QQ客戶端,在我看來,它是目前linux系統下最好的QQ客戶端軟件了。但是我在Arch Linux的軟件源裡沒有找到它,但是我在其他地方找到了for Arch Linux的pkg.tar.gz包,地址:http://www./bbs/archiver/tid-145225.html不過我還是上最著名的一個開源軟件站...
Deepin Desktop Environment is developed usingQtand is available not only for Deepin Linux but can also be installed on other distributions through various community-maintained packages. DDE supports most mainstream Linux operating systems such as Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, and openSUSE etc. In this...
是一个gnu/linux的最小功能裸机,约等于kernel+busybox+pacman,类似ubuntu的minimal cd,连vim都没有。
User account: dong_fang_yao add完user记得superuser要选yes, 默认是no Profile: desktop-gnome Select a graphics driver or leave blank to install all open-source drivers : All open-source (默认) 或 Nvidia (proprietary) 或 AMD / ATI (open-source) Audio: None 不用选就行 Kernels: ['linux']...
Guide on how to install Slack on Arch Linux to help the teams collaborate more effectively, communicate more effectively, and speed up the overall development.
Check Hard Drive Partitions in Linux If your machine is a virtual machine, the hard disks can have other names than sdx, such asxvda,vda, etc. If you are unsure, run the command below to confirm. ls /dev | grep '^[s|v|x][v|d]'$* ...
/dev/nvme0n1p5 LINUX SWAP ip addr a || ip a || ap addr show iwctl ## device list ## station <> scan ## station <> get-networks ## station <> connect “<>”ping -c 5 ping -c 5 www.google.com (600M) /dev/nvme0n1p1 EFI SYSTEM (080G) /dev/nvme0...
To make your Arch Linux journey smoother, here’s a cheat sheet of essential commands that will help you manage and navigate your system confidently.
working console-based system, and although there’s much configuration to be done next, the rest is much more subjective. At this point, booting the macbook with the USB drive plugged in and theoptionkey pressed shows the bootloader menu with the option to select the EFI Arch Linux ...