Last sector (2048-15634398, default = 15634398) or {+-}size{KMGTP}: #在这里也按回车,easy Current type is 'Apple HFS/HFS+' #无视这行 Hex code or GUID (L to show codes, Enter = AF00): 8300 Changed system type of partition to 'Linux Filesystem' 又来到Command (? for help): 界面...
sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/nvme0n1 # 生成配置 sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg # 退出 chroot 环境并关机 exit shutdown now 包管理常用命令 pacman 参考Arch Linux 软件包的查询及清理 查询lib 被谁依赖 pacman -Qi libname | grep "Required By" 查询包依赖谁 pacman -Qi package...
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg如果是Win+Arch双系统,且安装了os-prober,且GRUB安装没发生问题,但是生成配置文件时没有说检测到Windows存在,可以等完成安装后,进入UEFI设置,把安全启动、快速启动关了,然后再试试,还不行 就在Linux下挂载一下Windows分区,然后再试,还不行,就看看Arch Wiki中GRUB页面下方...
You might have realized by now that installing Arch Linux is not as easy asinstalling Ubuntu. However, with a little patience, you can surely accomplish it and then tell the world that you use Arch Linux. Arch Linux installation itself provides a great deal of learning. I recommend a few ...
选择Boot Arch Linux后 , 稍等片刻 , 成功启动 这里有一个 smbus 错误 , 原因是 Arch Linux 启动时要加载smbus模块组,但是这个模块组在 VirtualBox 中并不存在 . 忽略并不影响后续安装 . 我下意识地 ls 了一下 , 发现一个 install.txt 没错, 这就是安装说明书 . ...
Arch Linux also features the Arch User Repository (AUR), which is a community-maintained repository of user-built packages. This allows users to easily install software that is not available in the official repositories, making it easy to customize and extend the functionality of Arch Linux. ...
grub-install –target=x86_64-efi –efi-directory=/boot –bootloader-id=GRUB grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg reboot ———- 错误的步骤: EASYbcd安装WINPE双系统引导程序 a、添加新条目——操作系统——LINUX/BSD——添加条目 b、编辑引导菜单——USE METRO BOOTloader(去掉打勾选项)——保...
After installing the bootloader of your choice, the first part of the install is done, which takes approximately 12 minutes. This is the point where in plain Arch Linux you reboot into your system for the first time. With Lution you just move on to the second part which installsXorg, sou...
这个很正常。你的电脑硬盘是串口的吧?redhat linux9不支持串口硬盘。所以你不要用 redhat linux了。换个linux deepin 试试或者换个ylmf os 试试。推荐用光盘或者U盘安装,不建议用硬盘安装。