安装所需软件包到系统分区:pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware bash-completion e2fsprogs nano networkmanager pacman-contrib sudo amd-ucode intel-ucode sof-firmware 软件包介绍 base: ArchLinux 运行所需的基础软件包集合 linux: Linux 内核 linux-firmware: Linux 设备驱动集合,包含了绝大多数设备的驱动(固...
On Linux operating systems such as Arch Linux, sometimes it’s a bit tricky to use a Bluetooth device. But once you set it up correctly, it works flawlessly. In this article, I will show you how to connect a Bluetooth device to your Arch Linux machine. Let’s get started. Connecting ...
https://github.com/jaaat4u/NikoKernel/blob/11/arch/arm64/configs/beryllium_defconfig # # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. # Linux/arm64 4.9.
sudo pacman -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa# 声音sudo pacman -S sof-firmware alsa-firmware alsa-ucm-conf# 声音固件pulseaudio-bluetooth# 蓝牙耳机xf86-input-libinput# 触摸板sudo pacman -S ntfs-3g# 使系统可以识别 NTFS 格式的硬盘sudo pacman -S adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts wqy-zenhei# 安装几...
Bluetooth setup in Arch Linux can be tricky. The steps in this guide will assist you in successfully setting up Bluetooth on your Arch Linux system. Once you have followed all the directions provided in this guide, you can enjoy all the benefits of Bluet
Arch Linux Bluetooth Troubleshooting Description This repository provides comprehensive guidance and resources for resolving Bluetooth issues on Arch Linux systems. If you encounter errors such as "No default controller available" or encounter difficulties with Bluetooth functionality, this guide will assist ...
It means that Bluetooth daemon is not running at present and it is also not set to start automatically on each boot. That made things easier for me. I have identified the root cause in the first attempt. That doesn't happen frequently with Arch Linux. ...
(新linuxqq替代了, 这里暂时保留) sudo pacman -S fuse2 # nodejs (需要分开执行) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh -o- | bash nvm install 16.18.1 # 需要新开终端 nvm use 16.18.1 npm install -g nrm npm install -g pnpm # 启动器 echo " [Desktop...
I installed Arch Linux on my new laptop a couple of months ago, and strangely enough, never used Bluetooth on it yet. Bluetooth in Arch Linux can be fun and interesting at times. I wanted to use my favorite Sony headphones on my laptop (It only has Arch Linux on it, no Windows!),...