If a polygon contains another polygon, one output line in the clockwise direction will be generated representing the shared boundary, with itsLEFT_FIDset to the outer polygon feature ID and theRIGHT_FIDset to the inner polygon feature ID. ...
SplitAtDistance(0.75, false); // get the polyline Polyline polyline = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry(); // polyline should have 3 points (1,1), (1.75, 1), (2,1) // add another path MapPoint p1 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 1.0); MapPoint p2 = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMap...
provides an easy way to copy selected spatial features from one layer and paste them into another layer. This command cannot be used to build features that are more complex than the source features. This means that you cannot use this command to build Polylines from Points, Polygons from Pol...
A hole in a polygon feature is a part of a multipart feature. To create a hole, finish the primary part and sketch the hole. Alternatively, you can split the feature and delete the part, or clip a hole using an existing overlapping feature.
线对象操作:打开编辑,可以编辑工具中的整形要素工具reshapefeaturetool对线要素进行切割,把多余部分切除掉;或者使用分割split工具对一个线要素进行分割两部分(如果再想合并成一个可以通过shift多选后选择合并merger工具)。多边形要素操作:打开编辑后,可以选择切割reshape feature tool进行裁切掉多余部分;通过分割cut polygon ...
打开ArcToolbox选“Data Management Tools” 下的“Features”,双击“Feature To Polygon”,在弹出对话框中进行设置,在“Input Features”选中正在编辑的Shape文件,在“Output Feature Class”处修改输出文件名。点击“Ok ”即可完成线到面的转换。 7、删除字段:右键单击选择“Open Attribute Table”,出现属性表,在...
The ArcGIS Enterprise Software Development Kit (SDK) allows developers to extend the functionality of ArcGIS Server map services published via ArcGIS Pro.
BufferGeodetic(inputGeometry, distance, unit?) ->Polygon Since version 1.3 Function bundle:Geometry Returns the geodetic buffer at a specified distance around the input geometry. This is a geodetic measurement, which calculates distances on an ellipsoid. Support is limited to geometries with a Web ...
To accurately represent these buildings, they need be split into their separate parts. Building footprints can be split with another feature class or by differences in elevation. This image shows the result of building extraction before preprocessing of building footprints. This image shows the result...