15、要素图层通过属性选择Select Layer By AttributeSelect Layer By Location 制作表视图FeatureProjections and Transformations 投影和转换要素Batch Project批量投影Project 创建空间参考投影创建空间参考栅格RasterFlip翻转MirrorProject Raster镜像投影栅格Rescale重建比例Rotate旋转Shift偏移War翘曲Define Projection定义投影栅格Raste...
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(outputpath, "parcels_lyr")#根据输入要素类或图层创建临时图层,如果不将此图层保持到磁盘或地图文档,该图层在会话结束后将不会继续存在。 arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("parcels_lyr", "NEW_SELECTION", '"field" < 4')#按属性表选择图层 arcpy.DeleteRows_management(...
Adds, updates, or removes a selection based on an attribute query. Usage If the input is a feature class or dataset path, this tool will create and return a new layer with the result of the tool applied. If a definition query is present on the input, only the features or rows matching...
Select Layer By Attribute Example 2 (Stand-alone Script) The following stand-alone script shows how to use the SelectLayerByAttributes function in a workflow to extract features to a new feature class based on location and an attribute query. ...
双击“中国轮廓线”图层打开Layer Properties对话框,在Symbology中选择Categories方式,在ValueField中选择国界类型,点击Add all Values。双击陆上国界的符号,打开Symbol Selector对话框,随便选择一种线型符号,点击“Edit Symbol”,打开Symbol Property Editor对话框。
Split a polygon feature Draw a continuous line that crosses or touches the polygon feature in at least two places using the segment tools on the construction toolbar. In the Contents pane, confirm that the layers can be edited and are visible. Confirm that the feature layer you are editing...
ArcGIS具有强大的分析工具箱,包括空间分析、空间统计、三维分析等,通过ArcGIS工具箱可以对空间数据进行各类操作、分析等,也可以用不同的工具制作GP模型进行发布使用。 本文通过对ArcGIS工具箱(ArcToolBox)中工具的中英文对照及简要说明,方便大家了解ArcGIS的各类工具,并对各类工具进行查找,详细工具使用可通过链接查看官方说...
Layer 创建WCS图层 第 9 页 Make XY Event Layer 创建XY事件图层 Save To Layer File 保存至图层文件 Select Layer By Attribute 按属性选择图层 Select Layer By Location 按位置选择图层 19、 Package (打包) Consolidate Layer 合并图层 Consolidate Locator 合并定位器 Consolidate Map 合并地图 Consolidate Result...
You can use this method without using any layer attributes to render the layer with a different material than the one used by default by the layer. Configure the material to use the attribute data There are some helper functions provided in the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity that allow you to ...