在ArcToolbox工具箱选择Conversion—>From Raster—>Raster to Polygon工具,输入栅格数据Watershed_1,字段选择Value,输出矢量面域数据RasterToPolygon_1。5.10 提取汇流量小于10 km2 小流域 在菜单栏中选择Selection—>Select By Attributes工具,在Layer中选择RasterToPology_1,输入Shape_Area<=10000000,点击OK进行筛选。编...
1、 Polyline 后面不能有空格;(如果要生成面,将 Polyline 改成 Polygon )2 、数据间的空格间隔只能是一个字符;3 、生成线的每一点要按顺序排列,按不同顺序排列会生成不同的图像;4 、第一个点的序号从 0 开始编号;(面图层的时候每个小班第一个点和最后一个点一样)5 、若要生成多条线,对每条线要编号;...
Select by polygon With this tool active, begin drawing the points of a polygon on the map. Double-click to stop drawing and complete the polygon. All features within the boundaries of the polygon are selected. Optionally, press Ctrl while drawing to enable snapping. Press Esc to cancel draw...
Select By Polygon Select By Lasso From the Set the selection color menu, choose the color to highlight the selected features. There are two options for Interactive selection mode. You can select features that are totally or partially within the rectangle or select features that are completely wit...
1、在上方的“polygon settings”组里是一些放置样式的单选项: ①是一直横着放标注; ②是一直竖着放标注; ③是先试试横着放行不行,不行再竖着,也就是随便怎么放; 还有一个复选框④,它是控制标注只能塞在面里面,一般不要勾选,因为塞不下,那就扔了呗。
●Feature to polygon利用围合等空间关系生成多边形 ●Feature to point提取点 ●Make XY Event Layer从XY坐标提取点文件 ●Extract values to points提取数据到点 ●Create fishnet构建网格和点阵 ●Spatial join空间叠加取值 ●Add field添加数据列 ●Select b...
To apply the layout algorithm on a subset of features in the network diagram, use one of theSelect Featurestools (for example,Select By Rectangle,Select By Polygon, and so on), and select the diagram features before running. Configure the Partial Overlapping Edges layout on a diagram tem...
12、删除字段general一般copydelete复制删除rename重命名select data追加选择数据 追加generalization一般aggregate polygons 聚集多边形collapse dual lines to centerline 分解双线到中心线dissolve融合eliminate消除smooth line平滑线simplify building简化建筑物simplify line or polygon 简化线或多边形indexes索引add attribute index...
打开Toolbox->Data Management Tools->Features->Polygon to Line,将输出文件命名为“中国线.shp”。确保”Identifyand store polygon neighboring information(optional)”选中(保留每条线段两边的多边形信息是下一步提取轮廓线的关键;另外,Feature to Line也能实现面转线的功能,但是没有选项)。
Select By Location graphic examples—listing the spatial relationships supported by Select By Location and showing graphical examples of each relationship.