追踪网络将返回"TraceNetwork"的dataType。 了解有关追踪网络的详细信息 属性说明数据类型 associationSource (只读) associationSource对象。 此对象可用于检索关联源的属性。 Object createDirtyAreaForAnyAttributeUpdate (只读) 在启用了网络拓扑的情况下,是否针对任何属性更新创建脏区。
在Pro - Catalog - Protal 标签页,找到已发布的要素服务,并双击: 将Trace Network添加至地图: 使用Pro Data中的工具添加 starting point, 单击 upstream or down stream 执行分析 发布后在Rest页面测试Trace Network服务: 在浏览器中打开 TraceNetworkServer 中的 trace 接口,URL格式如https://frankwin.geosceneoffi...
Trace Network; Trace Network Layer 最大错误数 (可选) 在启用网络拓扑的过程停止之前,可以发生的最大错误数。 错误将记录在错误表中。 默认值为 10000。 警告: 提高最大错误数值的同时将增加启用拓扑所需的时间长度。 我们不建议您设置高于默认值 10000 的值。
对于输入追踪网络选择Hydro Trace Network。 单击运行。 覆盖整个地图的半透明较大面随即消失,取而代之的是位于每个河流要素末端的点。 由于设置了每条河流的长度并启用了网络拓扑,因此追踪网络现在可以正确识别每条河流的开始和结束位置。 在快速访问工具栏上,单击保存按钮以保存工程。 您已成功下载了本教程的数据,在...
This topic describes how to build ArcGIS Runtime apps that can trace the flow of resources, such as gas, water, and electricity, through its network. For an overview of utility networks, see ArcGIS Pro's help topic What is a utility network?....
Use ArcGIS Pro to create a utility network. In ArcGIS Runtime, access the utility network. Define the trace parameters: a. Decide which trace type to perform. b. Define the starting and barrier locations. c. Specify the trace configuration. Run the trace. Examine the results. Access a util...
print"Script completed successfully"exceptExceptionase:# If an error occurred, print line number and error messageimporttraceback,systb=sys.exc_info()[2]print"An error occured on line%i"%tb.tb_linenoprintstr(e) 许可信息 Basic: 需要 Network Analyst...
Network Feature Trace Now that we have executed our first trace, let’s start including some constraints into the trace using barriers. The simplest barriers are feature barriers. These are created in the map using the same panel that was used to place the starting point. In the belo...
ArcGIS pro可达性分析 数据准备 1.准备数据,首先在gdb里新建一个Feature Dataset image-20221212224206811 2.把路网数据拖到新建的Feature Dataset中(二者要有相同的坐标系) image-20221212223942946 3.找到Create Network Dataset工具 image-20221212224305171 按以下参数输入,新建的网络数据集叫road_network ...
Create a Trace Argument Create a Condition to compare a Network Attribute against a set of values Create a Function Create a FunctionBarrier Create an output condition Create a Propagator Using Function Results Fetch a named trace configuration by name Fetch named trace configurations from...