join_table 将连接到输入图层或表视图的图表或表视图。 Mosaic Layer; Raster Layer; Table View join_field 连接表中的字段,包含连接将基于的值。 Field join_type (可选) 指定是否仅将输入中与连接表内的记录相匹配的记录包括在输出中。 KEEP_ALL—输入图层或表视图中的所有记录都将包含在输出中。这也称为...
Join - 串连(连接)输入字段的值。 Sum - 计算输入字段值的总和。 Mean - 计算输入字段值的平均值。 Median - 计算输入字段值的中值。 Mode - 使用具有最高频率的值。 Min - 使用所有输入字段值中的最小值。 Max - 使用所有输入字段值中的最大值。
File "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\ArcPy\arcpy\", line 9024, in JoinField retval = convertArcObjectToPythonObject(gp.JoinField_management(*gp_fixargs((in_data, in_field, join_table, join_field, fields, fm_option, field_mapping), True))) File "C:\Program Files\Arc...
Typically, you'll join a table of data to a layer based on the value of a field that can be found in both tables. The name of the field does not have to be the same, but the data type has to be the same; you join numbers to numbers, strings to strings, and so on. You...
Create Default QueryDescription for a Database table and obtain the ArcGIS.Core.Data.Table for the QueryDescription Create QueryDescription from a custom query for a Database table Create QueryDescription from a join query where there is no non-nullable unique id column Create QueryDescription ...
arcpy.cartography.CA.SmoothLine(addVertex,curveline,"BEZIER_INTERPOLATION","","","NO_CHECK")# 将原始line的属性信息连接到curveline中,"origin",input_line,"OID",),"origin",input_line,"FID",)# Delete in_memory ...
(2)split-by-attributes,具体见链接: 参考资料: 情景二:对某一字段进行分段求和,现有一个矢量图层,其中ACRES字段记录了每一个面要素的面积,如何分段对该字段求和,如该字段数值...
In ArcGIS Online, each service is categorised into MapGenie service groups where users will be invited to join. Specific details in the following sections. See table below detailing MapGenie service groups and services: MapGenie in Your Organisation ...
The reverseGeocode output fields are those for which "Supported request types" = "reverseGeocode" in the table. The reverseGeocode response consists of two objects: address and location. The location object includes the fields that are used for displaying reverse geocode results in a mapping ...
Parameters pointA:Point|Feature- The first Point or Feature used to calculate the angle. pointB:Point|Feature- The second Point or Feature used to calculate the angle. Return value:Number Example Returns the angle from a Point to a Feature, in degrees ...