, in_field, join_table, join_field, {join_type}) 参数 说明 数据类型 in_layer_or_view 连接表将连接的图层或表视图。 Mosaic Layer; Raster Layer; Table View in_field 连接基于的输入图层或表视图中的字段。 Field join_table 将连接到输入图层或表视图的图...
ArcGIS Pro 3.3| |Help archive A join operation adds fields from one data table (the join table) to another (the target table). The target table is typically a layer attribute table, and the purpose of the join is to symbolize the layer, query it, get statistics, or perform other analys...
In ArcGIS Pro, when attempting to join two common fields from different tables using the Add Join tool, no matching values are returned in the joined table.<div style='margin-left: 40px;'><i
通常,会根据在这两个表中均可找到的字段值将数据表连接到图层。这一字段的名称可以不同,但数据类型必须相同;例如,必须将数字连接到数字,将字符串连接到字符串,依此类推。可以使用连接数据对话框(通过在 ArcMap 中右键单击某个图层来访问)或添加连接工具执行连接操作。 添加或移除连接时,将保留字段属性,例如别名...
Create Default QueryDescription for a Database table and obtain the ArcGIS.Core.Data.Table for the QueryDescription Create QueryDescription from a custom query for a Database table Create QueryDescription from a join query where there is no non-nullable unique id column Create QueryDescription ...
Join layerspecifies the layer or table whose records will be appended to the target layer. For feature inputs, a count of features is displayed below the layer name. The count includes all features in the layer, except features that have been removed using a filter. Environment settings, such...
GeoID列:默认值为OBJECTID,用于标识每个处理单元。后期用于与要素连接(join),必须。 标签列前缀:y标签列前缀,一般为:y_isLandslide_,用于标识处理单元对象处是否为滑坡。滑坡为1,非滑坡为0 数据版本:用于方便区分数据结果版本。如果不需要区分,可以随意填写。
arcpy.cartography.CA.SmoothLine(addVertex,curveline,"BEZIER_INTERPOLATION","","","NO_CHECK")# 将原始line的属性信息连接到curveline中,"origin",input_line,"OID",),"origin",input_line,"FID",)# Delete in_memory ...
(addVertex,curveline,"BEZIER_INTERPOLATION","","","NO_CHECK")# 将原始line的属性信息连接到curveline中,"origin",input_line,"OID",),"origin",input_line,"FID",)# Delete in_memoryarcpy.Delete_management("in_...
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