聚合多维栅格 (Spatial Analyst) ArcGIS Pro 3.2| |帮助归档 获得Image Analyst 许可后可用。 需要Spatial Analyst 许可。 摘要 通过沿维度组合现有多维栅格变量来生成多维栅格数据集。 使用情况 使用聚合定义参数可按关键字、值或值范围选择间隔。 例如,如果您具有每 5 米深度(高达 100 米)每日采集的 30 年海面...
ArcGIS Pro 3.2| |帮助归档 需要Spatial Analyst 许可。 摘要 记录输出中每个像元所属的连接区域的标识。 系统将会为每个区域分配唯一编号。 了解有关使用“区域分组”创建单独区域的详细信息 插图 OutRas = RegionGroup(InRas1, FOUR, WITHIN, #, #)
arcgispro报深度学习模型无效 arcgis spatial adjustment Spatial Adjustment和Georeference。 Spatial Adjustment和Georeference工具条的主要区别在于前者(Spatial Adjustment)是用来配准矢量数据坐标和调整形状的,后者(Georeference)用于将栅格数据与配准到矢量数据,另外Spatial Ajustment可以同时将Attribute进行转换。 空间校正(spatial...
Searching a Table using QueryFilter Searching a Table for non-Latin characters Searching a Table using a set of ObjectIDs Searching a FeatureClass using SpatialQueryFilter Selecting Rows from a Table Selecting Features from a FeatureClass Gets the count of how many rows are currently in...
// Create a 2D point without a spatial reference MapPoint point2D = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2); SpatialReference sr = point2D.SpatialReference; // sr = null bool hasZ = point2D.HasZ; // hasZ = false bool hasM = point2D.HasM; // hasM = false bool hasID = point2D...
ArcGIS Pro空间查询 SpatialQueryFilter filter = new SpatialQueryFilter(); filter.FilterGeometry = geometry; filter.SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects; var allLayers = map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>(); foreach (var layer in allLayers) { var featClass = layer....
query query dynamic Spatial reference system srs string Select spatial reference system Returns Expand table NamePathTypeDescription Value of the variable value number Geoenrichment variable value Name of the variable parameterName string The name of the variable that is being analyzed during ...
query query dynamic Spatial reference system srs string Select spatial reference system Returns 展开表 NamePathTypeDescription Value of the variable value number Geoenrichment variable value Name of the variable parameterName string The name of the variable that is being analyzed during the ...
This query returns the users who made or verified observations within the bounding polygon. The map provides the polygon to use in the spatial query. Change the location or size of the polygon to modify the query results.See bindParameters for more information....
ArcGIS.Core.Data.QueryFilter filter = newArcGIS.Core.Data.QueryFilter { WhereClause = "City = '城市2'"};//面域选择集 Selection spatialSelection = featureClass.Select(spatialQueryFilter, SelectionType.ObjectID, SelectionOption.Normal);//属性选择集 Selection indianPrairieSelection = featureClass....