属性検索に基づいて、選択を追加、更新、または削除します。 使用法 入力がフィーチャクラスまたはデータセット パスの場合、このツールは、ツールの結果が適用された新しいレイヤーを自動的に作成して返します。 入力のデータ ソースがフィーチャ サービスの場合は、ArcGIS Serverが標準化...
SelectLayerByAttribute 示例 2(独立脚本) 以下独立脚本显示了如何在工作流中使用 SelectLayerByAttribute 函数,以便根据位置和属性查询提取要素并将其导入一个新要素类中。 # Name: ExtractFeaturesByLocationAndAttribute.py # Description: Extract features to a new feature class based on a spatial # relationshi...
Some workflows require selecting certain values on the map based on specific attributes. ArcGIS Pro provides the capability to select multiple features using the Select Layer By Attribute tool.This ar
1. 主菜单下“选择”菜单→“按属性选择”,该选择功能只能是针对要素图层,且查询的图层必须加载到ArcMap地图窗口,查询后ArcMap地图窗口自动选择查询结果要素对象,该属性查询操作界面如图11-1所示。 2. 工具箱中“按属性选择图层(SelectLayerByAttribute)”工具。使用该工具时输入数据可以是要素图层或表,但必须加到Arc...
How To: Select null values from a geodatabase feature class How To: Select multiple values using the Select By Attributes tool ArcGIS Pro: Select Layer By Attribute (Data Management) ArcGIS Pro: Select features using attributes このトピックについてさらに調べる Esri Community S...
(outFeatures,tempLayer)# Execute SelectLayerByAttribute to determine which features to deletearcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(tempLayer,"NEW_SELECTION",expression)# Execute GetCount and if some features have been selected, then# execute DeleteFeatures to remove the selected features.ifint(arcpy....
Feature Layer 代码示例 Eliminate 示例(Python 窗口) 以下Python 窗口脚本演示了如何在即时模式下使用Eliminate函数。 importarcpyarcpy.env.workspace="C:/data/Portland.gdb/Census"arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("blockgrp","blocklayer")arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("blocklayer","NEW_SELECTION",'"Ar...
find_existing_locations in ArcGIS API for Python derive_new_locations in ArcGIS API for Python Select features by Location in ArcGIS Pro Select layer by Attribute in ArcGIS Pro Feedback on this topic?In this topic Examples Usage notes Environments Credits Outputs Licensing requirements Resources...
Select Layer By Date and Time:https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool-reference/crime-analysis/select-layer-by-date-and-time.htm Apply a time offset to data:https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/help/mapping/time/apply-a-time-offset-on-data.htm ...
you can rebuild the scene cache to reflect the new position of those benches. Similarly, if some of the benches are rebuilt with a different material, and the style in the scene layer varies depending on material type, rebuild the scene layer to include the new attribute and, therefore, ...