1.单击Imagery选项卡的FunctionEditor->在出现的Function Editor工具条上,单击Add Raster Variable按钮->右键单击raster variable块,然后单击Rename,改为MultispectralImage->回车。 2.单击Imagery选项卡的Raster Functions->将NDVI拖到Function Editor中。 3.用Out label将raster variable和NDVI连接起来。 4.双击NDVI打开属...
Feature Layer; Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer リレーションシップ (オプション) 評価される空間リレーションシップを指定します。 交差する—入力レイヤー内のフィーチャは、そのフィーチャが選択フィーチャと交差している場合に選択対象になります。 これがデフォルトです。
Feature Layer; Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer 关系 (可选) 指定要评估的空间关系。 相交—如果输入图层中的要素与某一选择要素相交,则会选择这些要素。 这是默认设置。 3D 相交—如果输入要素中的要素与三维空间(x、y 和 z)中的某一选择要素相交,则将选择这些要素。
3. 栅格重分类(Raster Reclassify) 通过栅格重分类操作可以将连续栅格数据转换为离散栅格数据 在 ArcMap 中,新建地图文档,加载栅格数据 Slope1,打开“空间分析”工具栏,执行菜单命令“重分类” 将坡度栅格重新分为 5 类:0 – 8 、8 – 15 、15 – 25 、25 – 35、 35 度以上。 4. 栅格计算-查询符合条件...
The layer containing the features that will be evaluated against theselect_features. The selection will be applied to this layer. The input cannot be the path to a feature class on disk. Feature Layer; Mosaic Layer; Raster Catalog Layer ...
A raster is comprised of a collection of cells or pixels arranged in rows and columns, where each cell has a value representing information such as temperature, land-cover type, or elevation. ArcGIS P
ArcGIS Pro 3.4 was released on November 7, 2024. For information on the latest updates, please see the ArcGIS Pro 3.4 Release Notes. Our goal is to build the best
In ArcGIS Pro, click either theAnalysisorImagerytab, and selectRaster Functions. In theRaster Functionspane, navigate toSystem>Data Management>Mosaic Rasters. In theMosaic Rasters Propertiespane, configure the parameters on theParameterstab as follows: ...
Sharing, UtilityNetwork, ParcelFabric, Raster, SceneLayers, StreamLayers, Tasks, WorkflowManager, WorkflowManager Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <arcgisprosdk@esri.com> Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com Date: 10/22/2024 ArcGIS Pro: 3.4 Visual Studio: 2022 .NET Target Framework: .Net ...
When you open the exported raster dataset in ArcGIS Pro, the default rendering rules are applied. To keep the rendering the same as when you exported the data, set the stretch type to None, since it is already stretched. Use the drop-down box to select the Output Format in which to ...