TheElementpane allows you to work with the properties of individual legend items (represented in theContentspane by theLegend Itemsymbol ). To work with the properties of the legend as a whole, right-click theLegendheading (represented in theContentspane by theLegendsymbol ...
Renames the caption of the pane Convert Map to Local Scene Get Basemaps Save Map as MapX Save 2D Map as WebMap on Disk Clip Map to the provided clip polygon Clear the current map clip geometry Get the map clipping geometry Get the Current Map Location Unit Get the Available...
The Element pane allows you to work with the properties of individual legend items (represented in the Contents pane by the Legend Item symbol ). To work with the properties of the legend as a whole, right-click the Legend heading (represented in the Contents pane by the Legend symbol ) ...
25→ In Contents, rename the volcanoes layer Volcano Elevation. The elevation legend in the Contents pane shows many decimal values, which is undesirable for two reasons. First, they are pointless because they are all zeros. Second, the significant figures used for labels should be consistent ...
Left: The ArcGIS Pro layout legend is shown. Right: The ArcMap layout legend is shown. This difference isn't an error. It's a result of the different ways in which ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap prioritize the <all other values> symbol in a layer. Make changes to the layout You'll rename ...
Item.related_items() Item.remap_data() Item.resources Item.share() Item.shared_with Item.sharing Item.snapshots Item.status() Item.unregister() Item.unshare() Item.update() Item.update_info() Item.update_thumbnail() Item.usage() Item.view_manager SharingManager SharingManager
() Raster.rename_variable() Raster.rows Raster.set_colormap() Raster.set_engine() Raster.set_histograms() Raster.set_property() Raster.set_statistics() Raster.set_variable_attributes() Raster.slices Raster.spatial_reference Raster.standard_deviation Raster.summarize() Raster....
new_service.rename('SanDiego_boundary') True Renaming will create a new item on the Enterprise corresponding to the new URL'owner:atma.mani','Map Service') [<Item title:"AGSMS_SD" type:Map Image Layer owner:atma.mani>, <Item title:"SanDiego_boundary" type:Map Image...
Project items in ArcGIS Pro 3.1 Projects have invalid item properties when opened in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.3 Full Motion Video - Metadata don't refresh when two KLVs streams BUG-000156274 BUG-000156283 BUG-000156307 BUG-000156425 BUG-000156524 BUG-000156663 ArcGIS Pro stops responding when using the ...
On the route layer, you can change the transparency, rename the layer, hide it in the legend, and edit the route and save your changes to the layer. You can also move the layer up or down in the Contents pane if you have other feature layers in your map. You can access these optio...