Python toolbox template ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | Other versions| Help archive When creating a Python toolbox, the template below is used to form the toolbox. This code creates a Python toolbox with a toolbox class named Toolbox, and a single tool named Tool. The Tool class should be renamed, ...
ArcGIS Pro 3.3| |帮助归档 创建Python工具箱时,可使用以下模板组建工具箱。 此代码将创建一个Python工具箱,其中包含一个名为Toolbox的工具箱类,以及一个名为Tool的工具。 应将Tool类重命名,而且可复制并编辑该类以便在Python工具箱中创建其他工具。 工具名称和工具箱别名的开头必须为字母(a-z、A-Z),并且只能...
Python 工具箱 (.pyt) 是一个简单的文本文件,可以在任何文本编辑器(如记事本或 VI 等)中或者任何 Python IDE(如 PythonWin 等)中创建、查看和编辑。 工具箱被创建为名为Toolbox的类。在Toolbox类的__init__方法中,定义工具箱的属性,这些属性包括alias、label和description。工具箱的名称由 .pyt 的名称定义。
打开ArcToolbox,执行<Spatial Analyst Tools>-<Zonal>下的“区域统计到表”分析工具,按上图所示指定参数,确认后得到如下一个数据表: 仔细研究上面的数据表,理解本操作的意义,点击上面数据表中的[选项]按钮,执行“创建图形…”命令根据向导提示,设定参数,生成不同粮食产区土壤有机质含量(平均值)的统计图表 从统计图...
NBService arcgis.gis.workflowmanager module WorkflowManager WorkflowManagerAdmin JobManager Job JobDiagram JobLocation JobTemplate Group SavedSearchesManager LookUpTable Template WMRole arcgis.gis.tasks module TaskManager Task Run arcgis.gis.sharing module UserInvitationManager Invitation DependencyManager Market...
templateItemId inputInfo.parameters.templateItemId string The ID of the report template surveyItemId inputInfo.parameters.surveyItemId string The itemID of the survey chosen in Create Report action portalUrl inputInfo.parameters.portalUrl string The portal URL associated with the survey ...
Minnesota'")# Set the values of the tool's parameters using one of the grid# definition XML files located under the GridTemplates directorytemplate=os.path.join(arcpy.GetInstallInfo()['InstallDir'],"GridTemplates/Quad_24K_NAD83.xml")in_aoi="QUAD_24K"input_feature_dataset="C:/Python_Output...
path to the toolbox should always be provided. So, for example, given a custom toolbox called "DeepThought.tbx" containing a python script tool called 'Answer", installed to a folderC:\Data\DeepThought-ProAddin\Toolboxes\toolboxeson a particular machine, the tool name would be specified ...
Relief Visualization Toolbox ArcGIS Pro Python Raster Functions Relief Visualization Toolbox was produced to help scientist visualize raster elevation model datasets. We have narrowed down the selection to include techniques that have proven to be effective for identification of small scale features. Defau...
Geoprocessing Package (Pro version) File Tool ArcGIS Pro Toolbox Model Script Result gpkx An ArcGIS Pro geoprocessing package (.gpkx file). Geoprocessing Sample File Tool Geoprocessing Sample Optional, specified by the caller: model script A collection of toolboxes, scripts, models, data, and...