correctly after.p ='current') m = p.listMaps('Map')[0] l = m.listLayers()[0] l_cim = l.getDefinition() lc = l_cim.labelClasses[0] lc.expressionEngine ='Python'#From 'Arcade'lc.expression ='[STATE_NAME]'#From '$feature.STATE_NAME'l.setDefinition(l_cim...
Using an advanced label expression, you can add any Arcade, Python, VBScript, or JScript logic to your label expressions, including conditional logic and looping. For example, you could produce labels that have only the first letter of each word capitalized, regardless of how the text strings ...
ArcGIS10是一个里程碑式的版本,该版本引入了ArcPy,这也是本章学习的焦点,支持Python2.6版本,PythonWindows的引入让Python开发者使用更加方便,而且也引入了制图等模块来丰富相关的功能。ArcGIS10.1引入了Python Addin与Python Toolbox,更加坚定了Esri支持Python的决心,而且Label Expression也支持Python作为解释器。 ArcPy.Mappin...
ArcGIS API for PythonAPI Reference Home Samples API Reference arcgis.gis module GIS GIS GIS.api_keys GIS.content GIS.datastore GIS.groups GIS.hosting_servers GIS.hub GIS.languages GIS.notebook_server GIS.org_settings GIS.pages GIS.regions GIS.servers GIS.session GIS....
Full address address.LongLabel string Full address of the location City address.City string The city of the location Region address.Region string The region of the location Country address.CntryName string The country of the location ZIP or postal code address.Postal string The ZIP or ...
InField Maps, theDisplay nametext is used as the label of the form element. Provide a name or short question familiar to your mobile workers. Tip: Keep labels short and concise. While you can use a question,Field Mapsscales the text to fit on a single line in the form. ...
def FindLabel ( [Name] ): return [Name].split(“,”)[1] 3、排除、连接和堆叠:有值为“BP10200”的名称字段和值为“546”的字段。需要绘制两个字段,但不包括第一个字段中的数字,标注为:BP 54 def FindLabel ( [Name] , [Code] ): return [Name] [:2] + '\n’ + [Code] ...
然后根据合适的算法,让系统在指定的位置上标记出道路的文字信息来。关键词:自动化;Arcgis;VBA for ...
# 定义标注表达式,使用分式格式显示expression="Round(!your_field!, 2) + ' / 100'"# 假设要标注的字段名为 your_field,并保留两位小数 1. 2. 步骤4:应用标注和设置格式 此步骤中,我们将应用之前定义的标注表达式,并对其格式进行设置。 # 应用标注表达式到图层layer.labelClasses[0].expression=expression# ...