升级到受支持的PostgreSQL版本后,如果数据库包含地理数据库,则 ArcGIS 10.8 及更早版本客户端和ArcGIS Pro2.5 及更低版本无法再使用数据;必须升级 ArcGIS 客户端。 Esri可测试和认证从PostgreSQL.org获取的PostgreSQL安装。 对于Esri支持的各PostgreSQL版本,可用PostGIS模块同样经过测试和认证。Esri认证中不包括其他扩展Pos...
ArcGIS 11.4 and ArcGIS Pro 3.4 requirements for PostgreSQL ArcGIS supports connections toPostgreSQLdatabases andenterprise geodatabasesinPostgreSQL. Tip: For ArcGIS releases prior to 10.9, see thesystem requirements on theArcGIS Desktopwebsite.
ArcGIS 10.8.1 和ArcGIS Pro2.6 支持以下PostgreSQL版本和PostGIS3.0.1: PostgreSQL9.6.17(64 位) PostgreSQL10.12(64 位) PostgreSQL11.7(64 位) PostgreSQL12.2(64 位) 注: 由于PostgreSQL12.x 中支持的数据类型发生变化,如果数据库包含地理数据库,则必须使用 pg_dump 和 pg_restore 命令才能升级到PostgreSQL12...
PostgreSQL9.6.12(64 位) PostGIS2.3 PostgreSQL9.5.12(64 位)** PostGIS2.2** *支持开始于 ArcGIS 10.7.1 和ArcGIS Pro2.4。 **支持将在 ArcGIS 10.7 和ArcGIS Pro2.3 之后结束。 Esri可测试和认证从PostgreSQL.org获取的PostgreSQL安装。 对于Esri支持的各PostgreSQL版本,可用PostGIS模块同样经过测试和认证。Esr...
Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL(单服务器选项)版本 10.14 和 11.9 对于以下每个受支持的Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL版本,ArcGIS 都支持Microsoft Azure支持的PostGIS版本。 Microsoft Azure SQL Database或Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance* 版本 12 ...
Confirm that the database name meets ArcGIS requirements. Ensure PostgreSQL accepts connections from the ArcGIS client machines that need access. Create a database connection. To publish ArcGIS Server web services that reference the data in the PostgreSQL database, register the database connection file...
In the ArcGIS Pro Location Referencing toolbox, the Update Measure From LRS tool fails to calculate measures for points on a coincident route. After upgrading a PostgreSQL 10.7.1 geodatabase, editing feature classes fails due to some functions not being owned by the data owner anymore. ...
Optional Download:GetDLLs for PostgreSQL/PostGIS, MySQL, and Esri Mobile Geodatabases. SQL for ArcGIS Pro Base · Windows Installer (.exe File) sql4arc-9.0.181.exe SHA256: b20066cbe8ecde2377a3216592ab0c527e7ca1704a9aa3c5dc23192c8e2f4154 ...
from multiple different Esri enterprise or other geodatabases, or hundreds of other file formats, databases, or data sources, with exceptional support for popular DBMS servers like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, DB2, and desktop data files like Access, Excel, GPKG, and SQLite....