ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |Help archive Summary Uses a layer of point features and a layer of polygon features to determine which points fall within each polygon's area. After determining this point-in-polygon spatial relationship, statistics about all points in the polygon are calculated and assigned to...
Polygon对象是由 x,y 坐标对的连接序列定义的闭合形状。 说明 在许多地理处理工作流中,您可能需要使用坐标和几何信息运行特定操作,但不一定想经历创建新(临时)要素类、使用光标填充要素类、使用要素类,然后删除临时要素类的过程。可以使用几何对象替代输入和输出,从而使地理处理变得更简单。使用Geometry、Multipoint、Po...
Note: TheFeature Envelope To Polygontool works with a multipoint feature class, but not with a point feature class. The tool also allows lines and polygons as input features. Configure the parameters in theFeature Envelope To Polygonpane. Select the output from Step 1 forInput Features, that ...
ArcGIS Pro获得Polygon每一个部分 public void GetExteriorRings(Polygon inputPolygon) { if (inputPolygon == null || inputPolygon.IsEmpty) return; // polygon part count int partCount = inputPolygon.PartCount; // polygon exterior ring count int numExtRings = inputPolygon.ExteriorRingCount; // ...
创建Polygon对象的语法和Polyline类似,但有意义的面要素至少需要三个Point对象。 2.读取几何对象属性 我们已经理解了几何对象,现在可以通过搜索游标来访问要素类的几何对象。再此之前我们要先了解几何令牌: 几何令牌可以作为快捷方式来替代访问完整几何对象。附加几何令牌可用于访问特定几何信息。访问完整几何往往更加耗时。如...
ArcGIS Pro获得Polygon每一个部分 public void GetExteriorRings(Polygon inputPolygon) { if (inputPolygon == null || inputPolygon.IsEmpty) return; // polygon part count int partCount = inputPolygon.PartCount; // polygon exterior ring count
{//retrieve the current sketch geometryPolyline cutGeometry=awaitbase.GetCurrentSketchAsync()asPolyline;awaitQueuedTask.Run(() =>{//if there are more than 2 vertices in the geometryif(cutGeometry.PointCount >2) {//adjust the sketch symbolvarsymbolReference =base.SketchSymbol;if(symbolReference ...
HasM; // hasM = true hasID = polygonB.HasID; // hasID = true MapPoint Construct a MapPoint // Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor. // Create a 2D point without a spatial reference MapPoint point2D = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1, 2); SpatialReference...
Polygons represent the features of an area on the map. A polygon feature can sometimes contain an excessive number of vertices, and this can cause performance issues such as increase in data size, res
Create an N-sided regular polygon Get the exterior rings of a polygon - polygon.GetExteriorRing Envelope Construct an Envelope Construct an Envelope - from a JSON string Union two Envelopes Intersect two Envelopes Expand an Envelope Update Coordinates of an Envelope Multipoint Construct ...