返回LEGEND_ITEM 的值。 String visible (可读写) 如果图例项在图例中可见,则返回 True。 Boolean 代码示例 LegendItem 示例 以下脚本将遍历图例中的所有图例项。 该脚本将为所有图例项设置 patchHeight 和patchWidth,然后为特定图例项设置 showVisibleFeatures。 p = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject('current') lyt = p....
Legend items contain a patch showing an example of the map symbols and explanatory text. You can add, remove, and reorder individual items in the legend to change how it looks. Additionally, you can adjust each legend item's properties such as the order of text, the size of patches, and...
解决方案或解决方法 为确保 ArcGIS Pro 中多个布局的图例文本项具有一致的字体大小,请使用下列解决方法之一: 调整图例的大小 在ArcGIS Pro 中打开工程。 在内容窗格中,右键单击图例,然后单击属性,打开元素窗格。 在元素窗格中,单击图例 > 放置选项卡。 在放置选项卡的大小中,配置宽度和高度。 对所有布局应用相同的...
StatusA code indicating whether or not the address was matched.Mmeans that the address was matched whileUmeans that the address was not matched.Tindicates that the address has more than one candidate with the same best match score but at different locations. ...
ProSnippet Group CIM Graphics and GraphicFactory Create Circle Graphic Create Circle Text Graphic Create Bezier Graphic Create Legend Patch Graphic Create Arrow Graphic Create Picture Graphic Get Graphic Outline Get Graphic Outline from Graphic Element Create Layout Graphic Elements Create Elli...
Breaking it down, the following two maps show different attributes, each classified into three quantiles showing the high, medium and low distribution of each variable. The small 9 x 9 grid is added to act as a legend so you can see what’s going on when the colors are combined. On the...
When I design a legend, I imagine myself showing the map to a friend and explaining it out loud. Here’s what that might sound like: Me:Hey Ellen, check out this map I made! The yellow circles are primary elevators, the green ones are process elevators and the red ones are terminal...
In ArcGIS Pro, once a legend is added to a layout, the appearance of the layout can be modified. However, changing the color of the legend's background does not automatically fill the entire background. This article provides two workarounds to change the color of the entire bac...
// .tsx syntax showing how to set css classes while rendering the widget render() { const dynamicClasses = { [css.flip]: this.flip, [css.primary]: this.primary }; return ( <div class={classes(css.root, css.mixin, dynamicClasses)} /> ); } deleteAssociationFromWorkflow Method delete...
We recently ran into an issue where a layer in our map displays in the map but will not show up in the legend. We opened an Esri support case and they were just as baffled after 2 hours of troubleshooting. Has anyone ever experienced this behavior? W...