LayerFile类提供的方法和属性提供对图层文件中包含的单个图层和表的访问权限。 图层文件可以包含一个或多个图层、表和组图层。 ArcGIS Pro可读取.lyr和.lyrx图层文件类型。 更改只能保存到.lyrx图层文件类型。 如果要更改.lyr文件,则必须调用saveACopy方法。
import arcpy aprx ="C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\Yosemite.aprx") insertLyr ="C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\LayerFiles\Ranger Stations.lyrx") m = aprx.listMaps("Yosemite National Park")[0] refLyr = m.listLayers("Points of Interest")[0] m.insertLayer...
Although layer files are built based on connection to a specific dataset, by importing a layer file to another map and changing the data sources, they may be used to apply properties to other maps if those maps connect to data sources with attribute fields similar to the attribute fields used...
②在ArcGIS Pro 2.2之前版本要将OSGB数据加载进ArcGIS Pro,需利用Data Interoperability工具将OSGB数据转换为MultiPatch,再通过Web Scene工具发布至portal。在ArcGIS Pro 2.2中,新增Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer工具,可以直接将OSGB数据转为为SLPK数据然后发布至Portal。 3.5 DEM的发布 DEM的发布有两种形式,一种是...
BuildingSceneLayersrepresent the 3D model aspect of Building Information Model (BIM) and are derived from BIM data extracted from Autodeskrevit data filesor IFC. BIM processes typically produce 3D virtual representations of real-world assets that are commonly used in building design, construction, do...
Find edit template by name on a layer Find table templates belonging to a standalone table Current template Change Default Edit tool for a template Hide or show editing tools on templates Create New Template using layer.CreateTemplate Create New Table Template using table.CreateTemplate ...
按图层发布时,就在图层上点击右键,选择share as web layer: 然后在Pro右侧就弹出了发布服务要填的属性信息: 其中带*号的为必填项,都必须填了才行。然后点击Publish即可发布。 发布过程中,可以点击Jobs查看具体发布的状态,一般经过发布成功、缓存成功之后,整个三维数据才算发布成功。三维服务发布过程中缓存过程为自动...
Delete a record from feature layer This action deletes one or many records from a feature layer using IDs. Delete attachment Delete an attachment from a record in your feature layer. Fetch updates, changes, or deletions from feature layer Fetch the updates, changes, or deletions that were ...
Export maps and layouts from ArcGIS Pro or Map Viewer as Adobe Illustrator Exchange (AIX) files that you can open in Illustrator to work with organized layer structures for graphic editing and design. With the extension, you can save the converted file
An ortho mapping workspace is an ArcGIS Pro subproject that is dedicated to ortho mapping workflows. It is a container within an ArcGIS Pro project folder that stores the resources and derived files that belong to a single image collection. A collection of digital aerial images is provided for ...