ArcGIS Pro 3.2| |Archive de l’aide Synthèse Charge des jeux de données raster dans une géodatabase. Utilisation La sortie est l’emplacement de la géodatabase où sont stockés les rasters. Paramètres Boîte de dialoguePython ÉtiquetteExplicationType de données ...
Inheritance Hierarchy System.Object System.Exception ArcGIS.Core.Data.Exceptions.GeodatabaseException ArcGIS.Core.Data.Exceptions.GeodatabaseRasterException Requirements Target Platforms:Windows 11, Windows 10 ArcGIS Pro version:3 or higher. See Also...
View Post ArcGIS Pro 改变栅格的数据源 varrasterLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<RasterLayer>().FirstOrDefault(); QueuedTask.Run(async() =>{using(Geodatabase geodatabase =newGeodatabase(newFileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(newUri(@"\\Path-to-Data\raster.gdb"))) {...
using (Dataset dataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset<RasterDataset>("elevation")) { rasterLayer.ReplaceDataSource(dataset); // Check if the Stretch colorizer can be applied to the raster layer. if (rasterLayer.GetApplicableColorizers().Contains(RasterColorizerType.StretchColorizer)) { // Create a...
ArcGIS Pro栅格修改大小另存 System.Uri uri =newUri("e:\\ESRI_GDB\\Southampton.gdb"); QueuedTask.Run(()=>{ FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath path=newFileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(uri); Geodatabase gdb=newGeodatabase(path); RasterDataset rasterDataset= gdb.OpenDataset<RasterDataset>("Raster_250")...
ArcGIS Pro栅格修改大小另存 System.Uri uri = new Uri("e:\\ESRI_GDB\\Southampton.gdb"); QueuedTask.Run(() => { FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath path = new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(uri); Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(path); ...
The raster values are extracted for each point feature in the table and added to the geodatabase and Contents pane. Sample The Sample tool creates a new table that displays the values of cells from a set of rasters for the defined locations. In ArcGIS Pro, click the Analysis ri...
Refer toArcGIS Pro: Parametersfor more information on the syntax used. ForInput Rasters, select all the raster datasets to merge. In this example, they are 090160.tif, 090161.tif, and 090162.tif. ForOutput Location, specify the desired geodatabase. In this example, it is Amberg....
7、尚未发现ArcGIS Pro里进行栅格(半)自动矢量化的功能。 这个功能目前还没有的,大家希望这个功能加进来的话,可以去GeoNet上投票: 8、.rvt转.lyrx下个版本会支持吗?
// the tool to be executed has workspace as first parameter// feature class name as second and feature type as third parameterstringoutpath=Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath;stringfcname="accident_sites";varsr=awaitQueuedTask.Run(()=>{returnSpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857);}...